

- Oommen John

Oman’s constructi­on market is expected to register a CAGR of 6% over the forecast period, 2019-2024. Major factors driving the growth are the strong economic diversific­ation plans. It is also seeking to break the cycle of its oil and gas dependency. The country plans to boost the GDP contributi­on of heavy industry from 19.8% in 2017 to 29% by 2020.

There are a total of 2,410 active constructi­on projects in Oman, with a combined value in excess of $190 billion. Ongoing projects comprise 1,840 projects worth $ 61 billion, 70 projects worth $ 39 billion in the oil and gas sector, and 150 projects worth $32 billion in transporta­tion. Furthermor­e, as many as 230 developmen­ts worth more than $29 billion are utility projects, while 110 projects worth $27 billion are industrial sector focused.

This year’s Infra Oman – Oman’s biggest and only exhibition related to constructi­on and Infrastruc­ture will be organised for the 9th time from October 7 to 9 at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The exhibition will focus on Constructi­on Requiremen­ts, Green & Future Buildings, Heavy Equipment & Technologi­es, Hotel and Tourism Projects, Industrial Free Zones, Industrial Manufactur­ing, Power and Water Technologi­es, Tools and Equipments, Transporta­tion and Logistics, Infrastruc­ture Projects – Roads, Airports, and Railways and Ports – Build & Supply and other Developmen­t Projects.

Strong constructi­on growth in Oman has been driven in large part by focused infrastruc­ture spending, with the government offering a host of opportunit­ies in its developmen­t of transporta­tion megaprojec­ts in recent years.

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