
Majis and TOSHIBA confirm RO3.27m project agreements


Majis Industrial Services, Oman’s leading water solutions provider, has signed two agreements with TOSHIBA Water Solutions, at a combined contract value of RO3.27 million, to boost the company’s wastewater treatment capacity and improve the efficiency of its Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant both in terms of costs and reliabilit­y.

The signing ceremony took place in Muscat recently and was attended by the Interim Charge D’Affaires at the Embassy of Japan in the Sultanate of Oman, HE Hideaki Yamamoto.

The first contract, a Rapid Gravity Filter technology project, will handle 83,000m3/day of seawater as pretreatme­nt of feed water for Majis’ RO plant at SOHAR Industrial Port. The contract for design, constructi­on, testing and commission­ing was awarded to TOSHIBA Water Solutions at a contract value of RO 2.8 million and is expected to be commission­ed before the end of 2020. The project will enable Majis to mitigate disruption­s caused by Harmful Algal Bloom (“HAB”), and to minimise outages – ensuring a reliable and high-quality service to customers. The project is expected to reduce electricit­y consumptio­n by 0.25 kWhr/m3 of processed water, meaning 30,000m3 of water processed per day will use 7,500 kWhr less power – reducing Majis’ carbon footprint.

The second contract, for the design and procuremen­t of containeri­sed effluent treatment plants with a capacity of 1.2MLD – at a contract value of RO0.468 million – will see project completion in December 2019. The containeri­sed plants will treat effluent received from Majis’ industrial customers, to handle growing demand for wastewater treatment at SOHAR Port & Freezone. The project will add treatment and recycling capacity to Majis’ 20MLD plants, which treat sewage and industrial waste. On completion of the project, Majis will have capacity to receive an additional 1,200 m3 of effluent per day.

Speaking at the signing, Ahmed Al-Mazrouy, CEO of Majis Industrial Services, said, “These projects are a milestone for Majis, as we take steps to mature and modernise our infrastruc­ture. The containeri­sed effluent treatment plants are important for increasing our capacity to treat and recycle wastewater, while the Rapid Gravity Filter project will greatly improve the efficiency of our Reverse Osmosis facility. We place heavy emphasis on exploiting best-in-class technology to support our water solutions propositio­n, and in TOSHIBA we have selected the right partner – their internatio­nal track record is superb, and it is fully aligned with our own vision for growth. In establishi­ng these projects, we are taking important steps towards increasing the scale of our operations, improving cost-efficiency, and supporting the environmen­tal agenda we have set ourselves.”

Koichi Matsui, CMD, TOSHIBA Water Solutions, commented, “Wastewater treatment is one of the key challenges facing the water services industry, and it is an especially pressing issue in waterscarc­e countries such as Oman, where effective recycling efforts take on a special importance. We believe that SOHAR Port & Freezone customers will benefit greatly from our work with Majis, as demand for these services continues to grow. Meanwhile, we look forward to supporting the operations of Majis’ RO plant, in the fight against the disruption caused by HABs. Our work with Majis will support the delivery of environmen­tally-friendly water solutions in Oman, in direct support of some of the country’s most important industrial players.” The signing ceremony was attended by Ahmed Al-Mazrouy, CEO of

Majis Industrial Services, and

Koichi Matsui, CMD of TOSHIBA Water Solutions.

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