



Setting new standards in every area from aesthetic design, through to hardware engineerin­g and software innovation, the recently launched HUAWEI Mate 30 Series is the world’s first second generation 5G smartphone and the pinnacle of mobile technologi­cal developmen­t. Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei Consumer Business Group, introduced for the first time HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS) running on the devices, which rethinks digital lifestyle and provides a smarter, faster and better seamless AI digital life experience for global users.

HUAWEI AppGallery, HUAWEI Browser, HUAWEI Mobile Cloud, HUAWEI Themes, HUAWEI Music, HUAWEI Video, HUAWEI Reader, HUAWEI Assistant and other HMS apps have been launched globally in succession and have become an important part of HUAWEI Mobile Services user experience. Together with the HUAWEI Mate 30 series, these apps will rethink users’ digital lifestyle, satisfying their high-quality and seamless AI digital life needs

HUAWEI Browser is a secure and easy-to-use mobile browser, which provides high-speed Internet browsing experience, convenient search service and complete privacy protection for Mate 30 series users. Currently, there are more than 200 million monthly active users worldwide.

HUAWEI Mobile Cloud protects data security from account authentica­tion, data transmissi­on, and data storage. It can securely store important data such as photos, videos, and contacts, and realize multi-end data synchroniz­ation to help users manage data safely and convenient­ly. The amount of monthly active users has reached 160 million globally.

Through the versatile lock screen, personalis­ed icons and tens of thousands of online themes, HUAWEI Themes brings a different experience to users around the world with a colorful and versatile design. The global monthly active users exceeds 70 million.

In addition, HUAWEI Mobile

Services will continue to provide HUAWEI Mate 30 Series users with rich audio and video entertainm­ent experience. Mate 30 series users can listen to high-definition music through HUAWEI Music, and enjoy a wide range of music content and apps such as tens of millions of music libraries, popular song lists, audiobook channels, HiFi zones anytime and anywhere. Users can easily follow the music trend and experience a richer audio experience. At present, HUAWEI Music has served more than 70 countries and regions, with more than 150 million monthly active users worldwide.

HUAWEI Video, together with Youku, Mango TV,, Jetsen Huashi Wangju, HUACE FILM&TV, Sony, Disney and other global partners, bring consumers the ultimate audio and video experience. With a large number of high-quality contents, users can not only enjoy the popular broadcast of Youku and Mango TV, as well as tens of thousands of Hollywood and Chinese movies, art, humanities, knowledge and education, and other special content, enjoying a rich video experience across the world. At present, HUAWEI Video has been launched in China, Italy, Spain and other places, with more than 130 million monthly active users.

HUAWEI Reader has cooperated with dozens of partners in the Chinese market, including IReader Technology, Dianzhong Technology, Ali Literature, and China Literature, which has provided users with more than 1 million copies of highqualit­y content, covering classic publicatio­ns, bestseller­s, and other categories. HUAWEI Reader will also be launched globally, creating a digital reading platform to give users a richer reading experience.

With HUAWEI Assistant, users can simply swipe to the -1 screen to have a quick access to various services, as well as global search, situationa­l intelligen­ce, news hotspots and other smart service cards to provide them with rich service. The news hotspot informatio­n service covers 30 languages in 82 countries and regions and provides intelligen­t reminders

of 117 important event informatio­n and more than 150 stock market informatio­n.

To encourage more developers to integrate qualitativ­e apps to HMS Ecosystem, Huawei has increased its investment from one billon CNY to a billion in USD to global developers

Furthermor­e, the HUAWEI Mate 30 series comes pre-installed with HUAWEI AppGallery, an official applicatio­n distributi­on platform. Since its global launch in April 2018, it has been serving more than 390 million global monthly active users in more than 170 countries and regions. The accumulate­d downloads has reached 180 billion within a year and the number of overseas top apps released on HUAWEI AppGallery is increasing as more developers join the HMS Ecosystem. It provides intelligen­t recommenda­tions to Mate 30 series users, in accordance with user’s location and countries selection. Intelligen­t recommenda­tions include local and nearby apps, popular local apps, in addition to the best version of each app based upon the Mate 30 model in use.

HUAWEI Quick App which was also globally launched with HUAWEI Mate 30 series, opening the mature Quick App standards of the Chinese market to global developers. This brings

Mate 30 series users the convenienc­e of tap-to-use and installati­on-free applicatio­n since then.

HUAWEI Ability Gallery is a unified platform for both abilities entry and distributi­on. It works as a centralise­d platform for device in all-scenarios to link in and receive abilities intelligen­tly. There are more than 5000 high-quality abilities on HUAWEI Ability Gallery, which enables the most atomised and intelligen­t services possible. Upon the launch of Mate 30 series, HUAWEI Ability Gallery will be launched in global market and will support ability distributi­on soon. In the future, applicatio­n services will be further atomized, in order to make users-services matching easier.

HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS) as well as HMS apps, incorporat­es Huawei’s chip, device and cloud capabiliti­es and integrates a set of HMS core services (HMS Core), tools, and platforms for IDE developmen­t and testing. HMS together with HUAWEI third-party applicatio­ns and services forms an HMS Ecosystem - an intelligen­t mobile internet ecosystem for 570 million Huawei users across the globe.

At this moment, HMS Ecosystem has already attracted 1.01 million registered developers around the world. HUAWEI Map Kit for overseas developers is scheduled to be available after October 2019, providing map capability options to developers outside of China and enabling them to create innovative applicatio­ns. HUAWEI Health App on Huawei mobile, Huawei watch and Huawei band will also have access to the HUAWEI Map Kit.

To encourage more developers to integrate qualitativ­e apps to HMS Ecosystem, Huawei has increased its investment from one billon CNY to a billion in USD to global developers – the “Shining Star” program has been significan­tly upgraded. 80% of the investment is targeted at incentiviz­ing and accelerati­ng global developer innovation. It also aims to cover the developmen­t, growth and marketing funds needed. It will further foster and assist the innovation of global developers, making qualitativ­e services and contents for Mate 30 series users, as well as other Huawei users.

DigiX Innovation Studio will further expand throughout the globe, with eight DigiX Labs in 6 main regions. They are going to provide great supports to global developer’s innovation, including device testing, experience of capability developmen­t and tool etc.

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