Muscat Daily

MRMWR shuts down farm for using treated wastewater


The Ministry of Regional Municipali­ties and Water Resources (MRMWR) and North Sharqiyah Municipali­ty have shut a farm for using treated wastewater to grow seasonal crops. The farm area is estimated to be 18,044sq m.

The Ministry of Agricultur­e and Fisheries (MoAF) announced that it is illegal to irrigate agricultur­al lands with treated wastewater.

Legal procedures will be initiated against farm owners for violating Agricultur­e Law No 2006/48, which prohibits farmers from using treated wastewater to irrigate agricultur­al lands without obtaining approval of the Directorat­e General of Agricultur­al Developmen­t.

MoAF has urged citizens to report any such violations on 80060600.

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