Muscat Daily

Second Oman Partnershi­p and Social Responsibi­lity Forum held


Muscat - The second Oman Partnershi­p and Social Responsibi­lity Forum was held at the Grand Millennium Hotel Muscat under the theme ‘Social Responsibi­lity: National Commitment to Support Sustainabl­e Developmen­t’.

The two-day forum began on Monday under the patronage of H H Sayyida Dr Muna bint Fahd al Said, Assistant Vice Chancellor for External Cooperatio­n at Sultan Qaboos University.

Professor Angelo Ricapone, professor of management control systems at the University of Siena, and chairman of PRIMA Foundation in Barcelona, Spain, who was the guest of honour of the forum, delivered a presentati­on entitled ‘Applying the 2030 Agenda...What is the role of business?’.

A book titled Corporate Social Responsibi­lity, Best Practices in Oman and the World by Hilal al Salami was launched during the opening session of the forum.

A number of specialist­s in the field of social responsibi­lity from different countries took part in the event.

The book discusses a number of important internatio­nal mod- els that could represent a road map for some sectors in the sultanate, notably the logistics sector, private higher education, food security, environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and human resources.

The forum included three themes.

The first theme, ‘Mechanisms for the Sustainabi­lity of Social Responsibi­lity Programs’, included a working paper entitled ‘Policies and Mechanisms to En- sure the Effective Implementa­tion of Social Responsibi­lity Programs’.

The second theme, entitled ‘Challenges of Social Responsibi­lity Management’, included a working paper entitled ‘Corpo- rate Citizenshi­p: On the Basis of Social Responsibi­lity Partnershi­p’.

The third theme focused on the challenges of reality and prospects for the future in the field of social responsibi­lity.

The forum was attended by a number of ministers, members of the State Council, undersecre­taries, experts and officials from the public and private sectors.

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