Muscat Daily

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Respect women, respect society


I’m really sad about the recent cases of sexual assault in India. It looks like the developing country is one of the hardest places on earth for a woman to live safely. She becomes a victim of continuing harassment from the opposite gender.

Illiteracy is one reason in some of the Indian states it happens very often, but in a state like Kerala too such cases are on the rise.

The culprits get protection from a section of the society; unfortunat­ely some political parties too support them because of their votes. I wonder, why? Money and influence prevents justice being delivered to the victims - justice delayed is justice denied. There are cases where the woman’s family is forced to compromise their personal integrity in such situations, and that should never happen at all.

It is also a sad reality that caste and religion play a big role and divide people; the poor continue to be exploited by the rich and upper caste community members.

Delayed case handling is another issue due to which victims lose faith.

It is my thought that politics in India needs a matured approach and women should come forward to play their role as well. They should not shy away from participat­ing in mainstream community activities and challenge and question every wrong doing in the society. The presence of women in top administra­tive levels and courts is the need of the hour for stronger women communitie­s to thrive.

An improved educationa­l system can offer a better place for women to learn and be educated to safeguard themselves and their next generation­s. Parents have a role in moulding their children right from junior classes, whether boys or girls, and make them understand the value of ethics and respect in life.

A woman is not a throw away item. Respect women, respect society.

Athira R Nair


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