Muscat Daily

Iraqi dies of wounds sustained in Arbil rocket attack: Ministry


Baghdad, Iraq - An Iraqi civilian wounded in a rocket attack targeting the Arbil airport in northern Iraq last week has died, authoritie­s in the Kurdistan region said on Monday, raising the toll to two dead.

On February 15, more than a dozen rockets were aimed at a military complex inside the Arbil airport that hosts foreign troops deployed as part of a US-led coalition helping Iraq fight extremists since 2014.

But many of the rockets struck all over the city’s northwest, including in residentia­l districts, where they wounded five civilians.

One of them died on Monday, said the spokesman for the autonomous Kurdistan region’s health ministry, Bajjar Mousa.

“One of the wounded getting treatment at the hospital has died. We could not save his life despite several days of trying,” Mousa told AFP.

The second death was a foreign civilian contractor working

This image grab shows damage following a rocket attack a week back targeting a military complex inside the Arbil airport that hosts foreign troops deployed as part of a US-led coalition

with the US-led coalition, the alliance’s spokesman said.

The spokesman could not confirm the fatality’s nationalit­y but told AFP he was not American. Nine others working at the military base were wounded.

The attack was the first in

nearly two months targeting Western military or diplomatic installati­ons in Iraq, after dozens of similar incidents last year that were blamed on pro-Iranian Shiite factions.

A shadowy group calling itself Awliyaa al-Dam (Guardians of

Blood) claimed the attack and in a follow-up statement vowed to keep targeting US forces in Iraq.

The violence was condemned by the United Nations, which called it ‘reckless’, as well as a host of countries.

 ?? (AFP) ??

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