Muscat Daily



When you grab hold of a tie to complete your work attire each morning, let it not be a habit, devoid of style or creativity. Your tie should be just like the cherry on top of a slice of cake.

While many men love to believe that everything goes well with everything when choosing a tie to match their outfit, nothing can be more far from the truth. You just cannot wear 'a tie' with any shirt or with any outfit. The tie you wear must justify its presence against its backdrop - which is not only your shirt but also the occasion as well as your frame of mind.

They say, the wrong tie in the wrong place, at the wrong time, can be as embarrassi­ng as wearing a denim jacket to the boardroom. So, it can be helpful to know some basic rules when it comes to wearing ties for different occasions and to suit varied formal attire.

Ask the stylists and they will tell you, that bold colours do not go well with bold colours, and prints do not go well with prints, with regard to combinatio­ns of neck ties and shirts.

While some prefer to label their poor taste as going ‘out of the box' or making ‘a new style statement', the truth is, they are quite ignorant about the rules of the game.

For instance, even body type dictates the length and width of the tie to be worn, forget the shade or the print. So a lean guy would look awkward in a broad tie and a thin tie would be lost on a broad, well-built physique.

Also, not all textures or fabrics are suitable for ties worn to the office, neither can one been seen wearing a sombre formal tie for a casual event where the dress code of 'smart casuals' does make room for some play with ties and scarves.

Wearing a tie can be quite a daunting task for beginners seeking to put on a new style. However, if you follow some basic rules, you can avoid erring on the wrong side and, in the bargain, learn something about your own style quotient - what you can carry best. But remember, when your shirt or blazer screams for attention, let your tie take a bow in simplicity. And if your shirt/blazer is simple, let your tie become the

'hero' of your attire!


A tie is an accessory that needs to be adapted to suit every occasion. It is also a strong piece that allows you to express your own personalit­y. Depending on your mood of the day and the event, you can wear a rather classic tie or a simple one. To choose the tie that will perfectly complement your outfit, you can play on the material, colour, or shape of the tie knot.


In terms of materials, synthetic fabrics are to be avoided altogether because synthetic fabrics age badly and may have a quite shiny appearance that is not very elegant. A tie with a beautiful material can be in silk, wool or cotton. Wool is an interestin­g material that stands out from traditiona­l silk ties while the cotton knit brings a modern-retro side, especially in peppy styles.


The colour of the tie is chiefly meant to contrast or complement the colour of the shirt worn with it.

This helps one to be creative as well as assertive in selecting the most apt tie. A navy blue tie would sit well over a white or sky blue shirt. At the same time, a navy blue tie with a silver streak would also unleash an element of style when worn with a navy blue shirt. One has to learn how to contrast or complement the shirt.


When it comes to prints and patterns, there is one simple rule – plain shirt, printed tie; printed shirt, plain tie. It would, hence, look ridiculous to wear a printed tie over a printed shirt as both prints would clash and cancel each other. However, prints can complement each other, if there is some relation between the print on the shirt and the print on the tie. You never wear a tie with floral prints over a shirt with a floral print. But, you could indeed wear a tie with a leafy print over a shirt with a floral print – though this would go well for a less serious occasion or outing.

Different colours, prints and fabrics of ties are suitable for different occasions and should not be mixed up. But, in case of a black tie event, the right necktie to wear is none. Put on a bow tie instead.

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