Muscat Daily

IAEA’s Massimo Aparo to visit Iran

It is principall­y going to be a visit to Natanz enrichment facility: European diplomatic source


Vienna, Austria - The deputy director general of the UN’s nuclear watchdog will travel to Iran next week, sources said on Saturday, against a backdrop of tension over curbs on the agency’s inspection­s there.

Iran's ambassador to the UN in Vienna Kazem Gharibabad­i announced the visit on Twitter, adding that ‘the purpose of the visit [of Massimo Aparo] is in line with routine safeguards activities in the context of the CSA’, referring to one of the agreements under which the IAEA conducts its inspection­s.

‘We are in continuous contact,’ he added, but there were no pre-planned talks in Tehran.

A European diplomatic source confirmed the visit and said it was principall­y going to be a visit to the Natanz enrichment facility ‘to check that inspectors have access to the cascades’ of centrifuge­s used for uranium enrichment.

Iran had limited IAEA access to the site after an explosion on April 11, but access should be ‘fully’ re-establishe­d in the next few days, said the same source.

Massimo Aparo, the deputy director general of IAEA and head of the Department of Safeguards attending a special meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors on Iran, in the Austrian capital Vienna, on July 10, 2019

Iran said the explosion had been a sabotage attempt by Israel.

Asked by AFP to confirm the trip, an IAEA spokesman said, “As part of the Agency’s imple

mentation of its safeguards activities in Iran, Deputy Director General Aparo regularly travels to Iran.”

Aparo’s visit will come at a delicate time after a temporary

agreement covering inspection­s at Iranian nuclear facilities expired last week.

In late February, Iran limited the IAEA’s access to nuclear sites it has been monitoring as


part of Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

A delicate time

A three-month agreement reached on February 21 allowed some inspection­s to continue and that was extended by another month in May.

Under that deal, Iran pledged to keep recordings ‘of some activities and monitoring equipment’ and hand them over to the IAEA as and when US sanctions are lifted.

On Tuesday, Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabii said Iran was ‘examining’ whether to extend the temporary agreement.

The issue is weighing on the talks, which have been taking place in Vienna with the goal of reviving the 2015 deal.

Diplomats ended the last round of negotiatio­ns with Enrique Mora, the EU diplomat chairing the talks, saying ‘we are closer to a deal’.

But a date for reconvenin­g has not been set.

The 2015 accord ensured some relief from UN and Western sanctions on Iran in exchange for strict curbs on its nuclear programme.

But the deal has been unravellin­g ever since former US President Donald Trump withdrew from it in 2018 and re-imposed sanctions on Iran.

Tehran retaliated by disregardi­ng most of the limits set down in the deal on its nuclear programme. The purpose of the visit [of Massimo Aparo] is in line with routine safeguards activities in the context of the CSA. We are in continuous contact... but there were no pre-planned talks in Tehran

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