Muscat Daily




Seek out conflict today. It might sound crazy, but only friction with an intellectu­al equal will give you the burst of energy you need so much. Besides, you could use one more practice round at stating your case and pushing your side of an argument. The future holds some even bigger battles for you, so you should use today to get in fighting shape! You will be always be able to see the problems at hand, but you should develop more skills around doing something about them.


Do not be afraid to get dirty today. The hard work ahead of you requires some sweat, and you have all the energy you need to jump in and get some stuff done. It's important to get as active as you can as quickly as you can. If you act too conservati­vely or take too long to get going, you will only waste time and waste a good opportunit­y. This is a day that is chock-full of potential, so if you want to achieve some major goals, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get going!


A mellow friend has some advice for you. They want you to slow down and just let the rat race go by for a while. And you should listen to them for once! Their influence in your life is good, so you should welcome their input and give it a try. It might be uncomforta­ble for a while, but soon enough you will discover how going more slowly in your life is actually a great way to get greater contentmen­t. It's time to enjoy the people you are with, not try to beat them.


Your gut instincts might be an invaluable asset when you're trying to figure out what to order for dinner or what movie to watch, but they're not going to help you when it comes to your money! Research and facts are what you need to get a handle on your finances, and getting a handle on your finances should be top of your priority list. Do a detailed review of what money you have, and more importantl­y, what money you owe. You will catch things just in time if you act now.


Everyone will be laughing at something that you don't think is all that funny today, but try not to get grumpy about it. If you feel like you're missing out on the joke, don't let it unnerve you or weaken your selfconfid­ence. You're just a bit out of sync with other people right now, mostly because you've been so wrapped up in your own stuff, and rightly so. It's just going to take a little bit more time to get back into the swing of things, so be patient with yourself.


You won't need thunder and lightning to indicate when you've come upon a huge revelation today. All you have to do is to be open-minded and watch for signs to appear. Keep in mind that they might not look like what you expect. A new person could indicate a new opportunit­y, a delay might set you up to be in the right place at the right time, and bad weather might send you a message you've been waiting for. There is no telling how an answer will be communicat­ed.


Money is on your mind now, but it is also on the mind of a dear friend.

They've got some serious debt troubles and could be turning to you for

help today. While you should try to understand what others are going

through, you should avoid talking too long about financial issues with

anyone today, especially someone you care so much about. Your

generosity could get you into trouble. Lend them your ear, but do not

lend them any money.


The time for new experience­s and new ideas has come, so be open to exploring new places. It's a great time to plan a trip to a foreign country or a place closer to home that you're unfamiliar with. Take your blinders off and look at the world through fresh eyes to see how things are for other people. You'll gain some insights that will help you get along a lot better with a new person in your life. You are opening your mind to new ways of living.


The higher your hopes, the further you could fall if they are not realized. Just be cautious now and admit that while you want things to go well, you can't ensure that they will. Keep an open mind and be prepared to accept whatever happens. Take each hour as it comes and do not try to control the day. If you do, you will only end up getting frustrated and probably frustratin­g other people in the process. Focus on collaborat­ing, not on having total control.


There is no time like the present to get started on your future. Someone close to you is excited about something new in their life, so talk to them and find out how you can get your own new adventure off on the right foot. They have that little bit of insight (and a whole lot of encouragem­ent) that will help you hit the ground running on your own goals. Whether it's beginning a job, revising your resume, or planning your next vacation, today is a great day to start something super.


Your social life is going to start getting a lot better a lot sooner than you had anticipate­d, so get ready. Dedicate some of your time today to getting a few boring errands out of the way. If you have been putting off cleaning the house, today is the day to get it done. Soon enough, you will not have a moment to spare for such household tasks. If you get chores out of the way quickly, you will be all the more relaxed and able to enjoy the good stuff that's coming your way.


You are so busy getting new things started today that it will incredibly difficult for you to step back and relax. But you need to quiet things down before your energy gets too drained. Give yourself a break later in the day. Make sure there's time to just sit around and do nothing. Resist the urge to fill up your free time for the sake of getting further ahead on a project. You're doing fine on your current timetable, so don't get carried away.


01.Nicotine is named after the tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum. Who did the plant get its name from?

A. Saint Nicholas

B. Jean Nicot de Villemain C. Nico (Christa Päffgen) D. Tsar Nicholas I

02. The second studio album of which band or artist was certified triple platinum by the RIAA in 2003, 7 years after it was released?

A. Fugees

B. Tupac Shakur

C. Tool

D. Beck

03. What is the largest country by land area in Central America? A. Nicaragua

B. Guatemala

C. Panama

D. Honduras

A 3. C 2. B 1. Answers:

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