Muscat Daily




The hardest thing for you to do is accept help when it's offered, and this

is an obstacle you have to learn how overcome. Today, reach out and

take the hand that is being offered to you, especially if it feels like the

hardest thing to do. Your pride can handle it, and your future may very

well depend on it. So if someone asks if you need help, say yes. You have

helped many people get past difficult situations, so why would you refuse

them the opportunit­y to return the favour?


If you're feeling bored with life, the reason could be that there's no wiggle

room. You've done such a good job of getting organized and putting

everything into its place that you forgot to leave room for disruption. It

might seem illogical to schedule in free time, but this could be the only

way to ensure that your life always has a few question marks in it. And

it's in those question marks that adventure lies. So make sure you always

have a couple hours to go exploring.


Try to have longer, more in-depth conversati­ons with other people today.

Be more inquisitiv­e and ask a lot of questions of all of the friends,

coworkers, and strangers you encounter today. Skip the small talk and try

to create a real connection, and keep in mind that sometimes

disagreeme­nts and friendly conflict can help a relationsh­ip grow in

significan­t ways. You will impress people with your curiosity and

encourage them to be more open with you.


Today, you need to get as active as you can as early as you can. Get

involved and do something! At work, speak up in a meeting or volunteer

to take a larger role on a new project. At home, reorganize the furniture

or give the kitchen a thorough cleaning. It needs it! And socially, isn't it

time you put together a dinner party or ambitious outing? Pick some

dates and send out an email to your favorite people. You need to have

something to look forward to.


Your relationsh­ip with an authority figure is entering a very positive

growth phase lately. The two of you are on the same wavelength. In

fact, you're almost communicat­ing without speaking. This gives you a

distinct advantage over your coworkers, but it's an advantage that you

shouldn't take for granted. Just because you are getting along well with

an influentia­l person does not mean that you can do no wrong in their

eyes. Don't forget the other dynamics at work here.


Your relationsh­ip with an authority figure is entering a very positive

growth phase lately. The two of you are on the same wavelength. In

fact, you're almost communicat­ing without speaking. This gives you a

distinct advantage over your coworkers, but it's an advantage that you

shouldn't take for granted. Just because you are getting along well with

an influentia­l person does not mean that you can do no wrong in their

eyes. Don't forget the other dynamics at work here.


You will feel a magnetic pull toward a new person today, and it's one

you should follow. For some reason, your gut is telling you that you

need to know more about this person, and you have to find out why.

Let yourself go where they go and do what they do. They have

something to teach you even if they don't realize it. This accidental

mentor will help you find a whole new goal in your life or discover a

new part of yourself you didn't understand before.


Greediness isn't just about money. People can be greedy about time too.

And it is just as negative. So if you feel like someone is demanding too

much of your time, it's perfectly fine to say something to them about it.

Make it clear that while you enjoy spending time with them, you have

your own life to lead. Too many people tie their identity to the identity

of someone else, and you shouldn't encourage that. You're your own

person, and they should be too.


If you are getting overwhelme­d by the details of a project you've been

working on for a really long time, today could bring good news. Plus,

you'll get a huge burst of energy. Positive thinking will help you feel like

you're back on track and ready to make that final sprint to the finish

line. This change in attitude will help you put your best foot forward and

impress a certain someone whose opinion matters a lot to you. You are

more motivated than you have been in a long time.


If you are starting a new romance, make sure you are giving it all the

energy it requires. Giving only half your attention because you fear it

might not work out isn't going to save your feelings. It's going to all but

guarantee your failure. If something is important to you, you have to act

like it. Put it at the top of your priority list and show the Universe that

you are willing to work for what you want. Solid efforts you make today

will take things a lot further than you hoped.


You are starting to realize that your older relatives can bring new insight

to your life, which means that it's a great time for you to renew

communicat­ion with an uncle, grandparen­t, or even older sibling. The

reasons they've been out of your life for a while do not need to be

addressed. Just pick up where you two left off and get back into learning

what they're doing. Soon enough they'll give you some advice that puts

everything into perspectiv­e.


Try to expose yourself to a different kind of music or visual art than you

usually are drawn to. It could spark an idea or urge deep inside of you

that you never even knew was there, or at the very least it will work

your mind in a new way. Your artistic sensibilit­ies are heightened now,

which is making you much more open to hearing or seeing things in a

new way. You are ready to think differentl­y, and all you need to do is

find something new thing to think about.

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