Muscat Daily




Keep the motto "nothing ventured, nothing gained" in mind today.

Because if you want to get the most out of your life right now, you need

to step out and do some riskier stuff. Nothing risky in terms of your

health or the law, of course, but risky in terms of your emotions. You

don't necessaril­y have to wear your heart on your sleeve, but you should

at least let someone catch a fleeting glimpse of it! Open up your shell a

little bit wider and you will be rewarded.


Things are about to equalize in all aspects of your life, so get ready to

enjoy a healthier period that will give you a stronger sense of security

and confidence. You're standing on a firm foundation again, which

means you can reach higher and try harder for the things you want. It's

time for bolder action and bigger stakes. You are feeling totally in

control, and it looks like no one is standing in your way. Ignore your fears

and move ahead at full steam!


Someone you thought you were starting to take a shine to could

disappoint you today. Something in their personalit­y may put you off.

Their arrogance is a very ugly accessory, and it's not doing much for

your interest level. Crushes can be fleeting things. Don't feel shallow if

their actions kill off any interest you had in them. There is no need to

tolerate a rude person, no matter how attractive they are or how

powerful they may be. Just move on.


You can't get so obsessed with starting something new that you forget

to finish up something you've been working on for a while! Things are

not going smoothly with this project, but that doesn't mean you should

bail on it too soon. Whatever stress is involved in tying up all these loose

ends is nothing compared to the pride you will feel knowing that you

were thorough and detail oriented. Powerful people are watching, and

you need to make sure they see you at your best.


You know that having fun doesn't mean you have to turn off your brain,

but someone close to you might not. They are doing some stupid things

in the name of having a good time. It could be time to wake them up to

the dangers of what they are up to even if you run the risk of seeming like

a wet blanket. If you care about people, you have to show them. And

sometimes showing them you care means sacrificin­g your popularity

temporaril­y. Tough love is the most valuable sometimes.


This is a wonderful day. You're going to be reminded of just how loved

you are by your closest friends. There's a lot of warmth coming your

way today, and it's all coming from the people who choose to walk the

same path as you. They bring a lot of honesty to every discussion you

have with them, and this is their true value in your life. What this

means is that when they tell you something you don't like hearing, it is

coming from a place of love. Remember that.


You've been flirting with someone a lot lately, and they might be

interested in turning up the heat. Get ready for an overture of sorts!

Think long and hard about whether or not you want to get closer to

them. Once you move beyond the flirtatiou­s stage, you lose a little bit

of freedom. And if you're not looking for a new romance right now, you

need to be up front about it. Flirting for the sake of flirting is fine. You

haven't been making promises to them. Yet.


It's true that patience is a virtue, but it's also true that you can control

things and push them along if you wish to do so. You've got to act now

if you want to make the most of the opportunit­y in front of you today.

There is nothing wrong with elbowing your way to the front of the line

just this once. Be polite but aggressive. There is a lot of complacenc­y

around you, so you will never have a better chance to get ahead of

everyone else.


It's the perfect day to hang out with a sad friend and cheer them up. You

are capable of giving them whatever experience they need to get out of

the doldrums, whether it's fun and laughter, physical activity, quiet

conversati­on, or sitting on the couch watching television together. They

just want to be in a situation where they don't feel like they have to prove

anything. And no one makes people feel calm and at ease quite the way

you do.


A few fresh ideas will not only add some pizzazz to your life right now,

they will increase your romantic potential! If you're in the mood to start

a new romance, expose yourself to new ways of thinking. Step out of

your comfortabl­e comfort zone today and put yourself in front of some

unfamiliar thinking. Explore new cultures, music, and religions. You will

find a whole new way of thinking. Things that are strange can also be

very invigorati­ng.


Could an attraction be growing between you and someone you've

never considered your intellectu­al equal? Could it be that there is more

to someone's attractive­ness than their brain? You should look at this

person with different eyes starting today. Pay attention to how they

treat other people and you'll get a whole new appreciati­on for who they

are and what they could bring to your life. You may have been looking

for love in all the wrong places.


A strong flirtatiou­s energy is going to be all around you today, and it

could spice up one or two of your relationsh­ips. Before you get all

excited about your romantic prospects, remember that flirting is just

flirting. Whether or not things are meant to go to the next level is not

certain. So play it safe. Keep things light and breezy instead of pushing

for a commitment. After all, you need to get to know them better

before you know how you really feel.

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