Muscat Daily


An ankle sprain is largely a clinical diagnosis based on how the injury happened, symptoms experience­d, and examinatio­n by a medical profession­al. However, simple stretching exercises are often helpful in relieving pain associated with most sprains


Ankle sprains are common injuries that occur among people of all ages and at all activity levels. They occur when the strong ligaments that support the ankle stretch beyond their limits and tear.

The severity of a sprain can vary greatly depending on the number of ligaments involved and the extent to which the ligaments are torn.

Most sprains heal with conservati­ve treatments like ice, elevation, over-the-counter medication­s, and simple rehabilita­tion exercises. However, if there is swelling and pain for several days, despite conservati­ve treatments, checking for a fracture is necessary.

Here are some exercises to relieve ankle sprains:

Ankle Alphabet

 Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. (You can also do this exercise lying on your back with your affected leg propped up on a pillow).

 Lift the heel of your affected foot off the floor, and slowly trace the letters of the alphabet.

 It's a good idea to repeat these

steps with your other foot.

Side-to-side Knee Swing

 Sit in a chair with your affected foot

flat on the floor.

 Slowly move your knee from side

to side. Keep your foot pressed flat.  Continue this exercise for 2 to 3


 It's a good idea to repeat these

steps with your other foot.

Towel Curl

 While sitting, place your foot on a towel on the floor. Scrunch the towel toward you with your toes.  Then use your toes to push the

towel away from you.

 To make this exercise more challengin­g you can put something on the other end of the towel. A can of soup is about the right weight for this.

Towel Stretch

 Sit with your legs extended and

knees straight.

 Place a towel around your foot just

under the toes.

 Hold each end of the towel in each hand, with your hands above your knees.

 Pull back with the towel so that

your foot stretches toward you.  Hold the position for at least 15 to

30 seconds.

 Repeat 2 to 4 times a session. Do

up to 5 sessions a day.

Ankle Eversion

 Sit up straight. Put your feet to

gether, flat on the floor.

 Press your affected foot inward

against your other foot.

 Then place the heel of your other foot on top of the affected foot. Push up with your affected foot against the heel of your other foot. Your muscles will tighten, but your affected foot should not move up.  Hold for about 6 seconds, and then


 Repeat 8 to 12 times.

 It's a good idea to repeat these

steps with your other foot.

 Hold for about 6 seconds, and then


 Repeat 8 to 12 times.

 It's a good idea to repeat these

steps with your other foot.

Resisted Ankle Inversion

 Sit on the floor with your good leg

crossed over your other leg.

 Hold both ends of an exercise band

and loop the band around the inside of your affected foot. Then press your other foot against the band.

 Keeping your legs crossed, slowly push your affected foot against the band so that foot moves away from your other foot. Then slowly relax.

 Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Single Leg Balance

 Stand on a flat surface with your arms stretched out to your sides like you are making the letter "T." Then lift your good leg off the floor, bending it at the knee. If you are not steady on your feet, use one hand to hold on to a chair, counter, or wall.

 Standing on the leg with your affected ankle, keep that knee straight. Try to balance on that leg for up to 30 seconds. Then rest for up to 10 seconds.

 Repeat 6 to 8 times.

 When you can balance on your affected leg for 30 seconds with your eyes open, try to balance on it with your eyes closed.

 When you can do this exercise with your eyes closed for 30 seconds and with ease and no pain, try standing on a pillow or piece of foam, and repeat the steps.

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