Muscat Daily




Having fun seemed effortless when you were a little kid. Everything was

new and mysterious and fascinatin­g! As you've gotten older it's become

tougher and tougher to find simple, easy enjoyment in the world, but

today it will feel like you're getting a new take on things. Suddenly there

is wonderment in your heart, and things that you see will fill you with

energy and curiosity. This is a temporary phase, so make the most of it.

Go exploring as often as you can.


Everyone has more than one side to their personalit­y, so if a friend or

coworker is getting on your nerves today, try to focus on the parts of

their personalit­y that you enjoy. Be tolerant of the mood they are in

right now and understand that it will pass eventually. They need you

to be patient with them and they know they are pushing it. But the

good thing is that they are also planning a way to pay you back for all

that you have had to put up with from them lately


The collaborat­ive energy that comes out of working in a group

environmen­t has always been intoxicati­ng for you, and today you'll get

another sweet taste of it. People are coming to your aid without you

even asking for their help, and it feels good to be part of a community.

This goodwill will grow throughout the day, helping you connect with

someone who typically rubs you the wrong way. Old arguments can

finally be put to rest forever.


Despite the fact that you've been receiving good news lately, today is

not a good day to overspend or celebrate too much. Paring down your

expenditur­es will not only help boost your rainy day fund, it will also

remind you that it doesn't cost a lot for you to have fun. Making

adjustment­s to your list of essentials is always tricky, but if you simply

skip out on one or two of your regular splurges and stay close to home

on weekends, you can make a big impact.


Keep yourself distracted today so you don't have to deal with

unpleasant thoughts or unpleasant people. This might not be an

acceptable solution for the long term, but for right now it's perfectly

fine to close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears when you're

faced with realities you don't want to deal with. It's not about

procrastin­ation. You know you have to deal with important things as

soon as possible. But feel free to ignore annoyances for the time being.


Your growing impatience with someone who keeps flaking out on

social plans is coming to a boiling point today, and you need to speak

to them about it. Chances are this person is completely unaware of

your frustratio­n, which could frustrate you even more. Before you

totally blow your top, realize that they are clueless because you have

been holding in your feelings for way too long. They can't read your

mind and shouldn't be punished for that fact. Just talk and be real


Someone you usually disagree or argue with will finally see things your

way. In fact, you two are more compatible than you ever realized, and

it's time that you finally discovered just how great that really is. Step

out of your shell and make an effort to learn more about them today.

Show them that you are not a person who holds grudges. Let them see

you are a person who likes healthy debate but loves cooperatio­n and

collaborat­ion. The two of you have the potential for a very bright


If you are feeling like no one is appreciati­ng you right now, it's not

because you don't deserve praise. It's because you are not demanding

it loudly enough! Your ego isn't something that grows on its own.

Instead, you have to nurture it. And sometimes, you have to fight for it.

Ask for that raise. Remind people of the good ideas you submitted, you

know, the ones that made that project such a success? You can't wait

for people to notice your real worth. You have to promote yourself


Your opinions are valid, but they aren't the law of the land. So don't get

bent out of shape if not everyone agrees with your ideas right now,

even that cutie you've had your heart set on for so long. Insisting that

they join your side is definitely not wise either. You could run the risk of

really ticking off a few people. So keep your temper under control and

work harder to accept the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinion

(even if it's wrong).


Try to spend some time surrounded by nature today. The fresh air and

natural beauty will be very relaxing for you, but at the same time it will

also invigorate you and give you a few new ideas about what you want

to do next. Plus, getting in touch with the earthier elements of life will

keep you well grounded and balanced. You've been struggling with a

decision, and after some time outdoors your mind and the answer will

be clearer.


Today, your judgment might not be totally accurate. This is a rare

situation for you, and it's clearly going to be temporary. But for now

you need to take it seriously and not make any major moves or

commitment­s. Cover the details of any arrangemen­ts now and double

check them, but wait for another day to sign on that dotted line. There

is just too much noise in your mind right now. You're distracted

emotionall­y, and it's causing you to not see reality accurately.


By always aiming high and wanting to do better than you are right now,

you maintain a healthy and positive ambition. But there's a lot to be

said for staying more grounded too. Especially right now, when so

many people are looking to spend more time with you. They want to

know what is going on in your life. Today, prioritize your friends and

family rather than your career. Who cares if your boss won't like it? It's

more important to please the people who please you.

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