Muscat Daily




With every step you take today, you are approachin­g a major turning

point, so you've got to be primed and ready to act when you see a great

opportunit­y heading your way. Changes can happen at any time in your

life if you are ready and waiting for them. It might not be comfortabl­e for

you to act quickly at first, but eventually you will get into the excitement

and enjoy the unpredicta­bility of it all. You'll never feel more in charge of

your life than you do today.


Your fiery enthusiasm for what you believe in is powerful. You can

always make things happen with your emotional conviction, but today,

rein in that power and keep it to yourself. Controvers­ial conversati­ons

could be filled with traps. If you jump into things headfirst, you may end

up getting burned, or at least putting your foot in your mouth.

Experiment by taking an impersonal point of view. Don't let your

listening skills be hampered by your passion.


Your fiery enthusiasm for what you believe in is powerful. You can

always make things happen with your emotional conviction, but today,

rein in that power and keep it to yourself. Controvers­ial conversati­ons

could be filled with traps. If you jump into things headfirst, you may end

up getting burned, or at least putting your foot in your mouth.

Experiment by taking an impersonal point of view. Don't let your

listening skills be hampered by your passion.


Don't get too close to the center of the action right now. The pull of

power is great, but it can also complicate your life way too much. You

need to know when to step back today. There will be a lot of intensity

and even some emotional upheaval, and you could get the brunt of

someone's anger. Today, try to find a place where you can go and be by

yourself for a while. At the very least, hang around the people you can

totally relax and be yourself with.


When a surge of energy hits you today, you won't be able to help but

use it to help others. You are moving out of a self-centered stage and

into a very selfless one. Someone needs help around the house, and

this family member will be very appreciati­ve of the extra set of hands.

It feels good to know that you have the right priorities, and you will

make a huge deposit into your good karma account. Giving to others

enables you also connect to others, which is always enjoyable.


You're in a mood to get rid of every single one of your bad habits today,

which is a wonderful goal, but is it a realistic one? Don't try to make

yourself perfect in one day! You are a work in progress and you should

stay a work in progress. After all, your imperfecti­ons make you

charming. Today, just pick one thing you want to change about yourself

and take plenty of time to change it. Expecting too much of yourself

isn't wise now.


Your imaginatio­n, creativity, and intuition can be combined today to

give you almost superhuman powers, so use them with abandon to get

an edge. Is everyone around you scratching their heads at the big

mystery that's been plaguing them? Cook up a theory about what's

been going on, and chances are you will be right on the money. This is

a wonderful time if you are in any kind of leadership position. People

will know that what you say goes because what you say is usually right.


Money is starting to play a different role in your life. It is beginning to

seem like there are more important things in the world than account

balances and shiny new possession­s. As material goods lose their

luster, more humble and beautiful things are starting to hold a

magnetic appeal for you. Other people in your life might be confused

by your new focus on quality over quantity, but they will be quick to

join you in this new way of thinking. Priorities are shifting.


Things are starting off wonderfull­y today, but by afternoon you might

sense some heavy stuff going on just under the surface with someone

you care about. Don't let this emotional weight slow you down, though.

You're doing them a disservice by letting their drama ruin your day,

and you might make them feel responsibl­e for putting you in a blue

mood. It's much better for you to balance them out by keeping your

outlook bright. Try to cheer them up.


You'll be walking right in step with your friends today, and everyone is

wearing a big smile. One of the biggest perks of friendship is that you

all get to share you thoughts and ideas with each other without fear of

recriminat­ion. You know that these folks have your back at every turn.

And you need to make sure they know that you're there to support

them as well. Connecting with others is so much easier now in part

because you are feeling much more comfortabl­e in your own skin.


You're excited about your new plans, and you should be! Take

advantage of all this positive energy, because it could give you a lot of

momentum that will help you get your new plans launched as soon as

possible. Be prepared to swallow your pride in order to ask for the help

you need, especially from a person who intimidate­s you. Now is not the

time for the luxury of pride. It's simply not useful. Be open about what

you want to do and share your excitement.


Your plate is way too full right now. Something has got to go, and it's

got to go today. If you don't delegate, cancel, or reschedule one or two

or ten things, your stress level is only going to get higher and you're

only going to get grouchier. The good news is that you probably

already know of at least one thing you can toss someone else's way,

and you probably know of someone who might be quite eager to take it

over. Your annoyances could be someone else's opportunit­ies.

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