Muscat Daily




You are in the calm eye of the storm now and can sense that things are going to get a lot busier soon. But instead of panicking about what is to come, be confident! You are more than prepared for the action that is about to go down, and it's important that you give off the air of being capable and ready to go. Other people are paying attention, and your energy will influence how they feel about the coming days.


Getting any time to yourself will be difficult today. Your popularity is

nearing a record high, and people want your input on many issues. The

sooner you can adjust to the demands on your time the better. Since

ignoring the external world will be practicall­y impossible, you are better

off just giving in and dealing with the people who are clamoring for your

attention. You will be able to get some alone time soon, just not right


Someone has been preaching to you for quite a while, and the sermon is

getting a bit tiresome. They think what they have to say is terribly

important, while you just think it's just terrible! Let them know that you

really don't plan on taking their advice and that while you appreciate the

special interest they have in how you should run your life, you don't need

them to waste any more of their energy on you. Give them permission to

brighten someone else's life.


You might have the chance to make connection­s with unlikely people in

some unlikely places. Before you realize what is happening, you might

find yourself talking to someone you never would have considered

talking to before, and loving it. It's all part of a new phase you are going

through, when coworkers are suddenly fascinatin­g and your curiosity

about other people is undeniable. And while you might not get a lot


You are full of an easy energy that will carry you past any pettiness

that might erupt around you. Instead of annoying you or testing your

patience, the frivolous people you will meet today will be a great

source of entertainm­ent and fascinatio­n. Watching people has never

been more amusing than it is today, so find a spot where you can

watch the world go by. Observe and you will be shocked, amused,

angered, and a little bit moved.


Put your personal goals first today. Free yourself from having to deal

with other people's drama. Not only is it boring to hear about the trials

and tribulatio­ns of your friends all the time, but it can be a bit

dishearten­ing. Concentrat­e on creating your own drama today, the

good kind, of course. If you want to get out and go, do it. Don't feel

guilty that you're having fun if a friend is going through troubles. Live

your life.


Seek what you enjoy today, because enjoying life is as good a goal as

any. Spend your time exploring whatever gives you the greatest sense

of accomplish­ment. Set aside the boring stuff for now. Even better,

delegate some of the boring stuff to someone else. Isn't there someone

who owes you a favor? Maybe they can go pick up your dry cleaning

while you enjoy a new book or take a long walk or do whatever it is that

makes you feel fulfilled.


Following your impulses is a risky strategy today. It could pay off big, or

it could lead you down a negative path. You're usually smart to trust

your gut on things, but right now there are several unknown factors at

work behind the scenes. Don't base your decisions or judgments solely

on what you know today. It's what you don't know that could matter

the most. Toss some solid facts into the mix. Ask people in the know

what's really going on.


Whatever confusion your dreams have been causing lately will start to

clear up today. The clues your subconscio­us has been giving you each

night are starting to add up to something that makes sense. The

recurring images are pointing you toward the biggest problem in your

life, and you need to address it head-on, today. Follow your hunches

and see what happens next. The faster you can get to the heart of the

matter, the sooner you will get a good night's sleep.


You love an organized life, but sometimes structure can be overrated.

Today, loosen up a little bit. Toss out your schedules and act more

spontaneou­sly. Treat yourself to an indulgence or two. Leave your bed

unmade. Don't do the dishes until later. Being messy isn't the end of the

world, you know. It will feel good to stop being so self-discipline­d for one

day. There's no harm in a little bit of chaos. In fact, you'll probably feel quite

stimulated by it.


The new members of your social or work group are starting to have a

big effect on the dynamics, and you're not so sure you like it. Give it a

few more days before you write them off completely, though.

Sometimes it takes time to dig beneath the surface of people to find

out what really makes them tick and whether or not you like them. You

could speed up the process if you open up a bit more. Show them who

you are and they'll show you who they are.


What was once a casual friendship has slowly been growing into a

deeper and more meaningful one. And today you could have an

opportunit­y to solidify it even further by sharing a truth you've been

keeping to yourself. But before you do that, consider that what you

have to say may cause some emotional upheaval on their part, and be

ready for it. Your honesty and trust will make an impression on them.

This could be a huge turning point for both of you.

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