Muscat Daily



Go for low-fat, low, or no-sodium cottage cheese available in the market. If making at home, use low-fat milk and do not add salt.

Add it to pancakes, cakes, overnight oats, smoothies, or salads. Substitute it with jam, butter, mayonnaise, or sour cream.

Add it to scrambled egg or any pasta, to get that creamy texture.

Cheese is one dairy product which is liked and enjoyed by everyone, be it young or old. Across all continents, one finds variety of cheese, from cheddar, to cream cheese to halloumi or mozzarella. But health experts always advice to take it with caution, due to its high saturated fat and salt content, both considered as evil for cardio health.

But lately, there is a type of cheese which is gaining popularity and is even termed by some as ‘Health Food’. Yes, we are talking about, Cottage Cheese.

What is cottage cheese?

It is a soft, creamy, white cheese, which does not have any strong or specific flavour and is usually considered as fresh cheese as it does not undergo any ripening process. This cheese is made simply by curdling milk, which can be regular or low-fat with some acidic agent, like vinegar or lemon juice. It can be made at home, but is also available in the market as creamed, whipped, lactose-free or lowsodium.

What about its nutritiona­l profile?

Since it’s made from milk and not many preservati­ves added excepting salt, it has more or less the same nutrients as milk.

Cottage cheese made from lowfat milk is low in calories, high in proteins, low in carbs and fats, and a good source of some vital nutrients, like, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, and Vitamin B12.

Is it same as paneer? Paneer is a household name in Indian cuisine and in many menus, it is also called cottage cheese. Hence the thought that comes to one’s mind is that are they both same. They are both made from similar ingredient­s, but the main difference comes in the process of making and this gives rise to difference in taste and texture. While cottage cheese is creamier and crumblier, has tangier flavour, paneer is more like a hard block, with mild taste and chewy texture. Nutritiona­lly both are similar but each one has its own specific use in different preparatio­ns.

What are health benefits of cottage cheese?

Helps in weight-loss- Low-fat cottage cheese, is low in calories and high in proteins and calcium and therefore is always included in weight-loss diets.

Helps in muscle gain- A popular food among athletes and people who want to build muscles. Research indicates that high casein in cottage cheese is more effective than whey in building muscle mass.

Great for bone health- Owing to the presence of all key nutrients, like, proteins, calcium, and phosphorus, it helps in keeping bones healthy and strong.

A great source of proteins for vegetarian­s.

A word of caution. People with lactose intoleranc­e or dairy allergy should avoid using it.

To conclude, Cottage cheese is a healthy food, packed with many vital nutrients. But with careful selection while buying and if eaten in moderation along with other healthy foods; you can enjoy it and ‘Say Cheese’.

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