Muscat Daily

Iran’s currency hits record low

- [Source: Yahoo Finance]

Iran’s currency fell to a record low on Sunday, plunging to 613,500 to the dollar, as its people celebrated the Persian New Year, according to an AP report.

On Sunday, people were trying to exchange rials for foreign currency at Tehran's main hub of exchange shops in Ferdowsi Street, but most were closed due to the Nowruz holidays, which are run from March 20 to April 2. The two-week holiday is an opportunit­y to travel abroad, driving demand for US dollars and Euros.

The exchange rate strongly affects other markets, including housing and rentals.

The price was 590,000 to the dollar on March 18, the last workday before the holiday.

Many Iranians have seen their life savings evaporate as the local currency has depreciate­d. Today, it's worth about one-twentieth as much as it was in 2015, when Iran signed a nuclear accord with world powers.

Since then, it's fallen from 32,000 rials to the dollar to the hundreds of thousands. In February 2023, it briefly reached a nadir of 600,000 reals to the dollar, and since then has not risen above 439,000.

The government's Statistics Center put the country’s inflation rate for February 2024 at 42.5%, while Central Bank of Iran said it was more than 46%. There is no explanatio­n for the discrepanc­y.

Iran's relations with the west have been at exceptiona­l lows since then-us President Donald Trump abandoned a deal that called for the country to end its nuclear program in return for access to frozen funds and other benefits. President Joe Biden said he was willing to re-enter a nuclear deal with Iran, but formal talks to try to find a roadmap to restart the deal collapsed in August 2022.

In the meantime, tensions in the Middle East have increased significan­tly, making nuclear diplomacy with Iran more complicate­d. Iran has further angered Western countries by supplying armed drones to Russia that have been used in its invasion of Ukraine.

Dire economic conditions have contribute­d to widespread anger at the government in the past, but have also forced many Iranians to focus on putting food on the table rather than engaging in high-risk political activism amid a fierce crackdown on dissent.

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