Muscat Daily




Other people's money will cause you more stress today than your own money will. Someone's new affluence is creating some challenges in your relationsh­ip because they seem to be gloating a bit too much for your taste. But does your jealousy play any role in this? Take a step back today and be honest with yourself about what is going on. You need to be happy for others when they get a windfall, not resentful. Make sure that you're doing all you can to be magnanimou­s.


You know that expression about taking the time to stop and smell the

roses? Today, you should not only stop and smell them but you should

pick some and then give one to everyone you love! Appreciati­ng natural

beauty will put you in close connection with the power of the Universe

and give you an unbeatable feeling of being connected with the world.

People's charms will intoxicate you. You are in a very happy state of

mind. Be with others.


There are a lot of exciting possibilit­ies for a new direction in your life right now. Just be extra careful not to let your guard down too early. When it comes to an enticing new opportunit­y, a healthy dose of skepticism is required in order to keep your head on straight. And if this new opportunit­y is romance related, it's all the more important not to let yourself get swept away. It's always smart to get some advice from a good friend on how to handle new endeavors.


You can't always rely on your heart to steer you in the right direction if things get confusing. Think things through in a more analytical way, and be prepared to change the way you go about making decisions today. If you use your intellect rather than your emotions, you will make a wiser decision and learn something about yourself along the way. Instinct is good, but right now you need to see things add up on paper before you believe they are true.


Moving slowly is starting to feel good, and you're getting the hang of

listening to yourself and being more conservati­ve with your energy. This is

a real sign of progress, one that indicates you may be storing up resources

before you make a dramatic return to the scene. You could make a big

splash if you play things right. But first, keep focusing on privacy. No one

needs to know what you're up to if you don't want them to know. Keep

your cards close to your chest until you're ready to play the game.


While today should be a very good day for you and your friends, it may

not offer any exceptiona­l memories or achievemen­ts. It's going to be a

somewhat easy but also somewhat difficult day. A classic balance of

positive and negative energy is controllin­g your world right now, so you

can expect an uneventful day that offers you a little bit of everything,

but not to any extreme. There will be no satisfacti­on if your hopes are

too high. Just let the day do its thing and you'll be happy.


You are a very good listener, and you have a way of making others

open up. People will be coming to you today for some advice, and this

is an opportunit­y for you to use your keen insight to make the

difference in their lives. They've been stuck between guessing and

knowing what they need to do next, and when you voice your opinions

on their dilemmas, their answer will be clear. You won't be telling them

what to do, but you will be helping them figure it out.


You have built up a reputation as someone who really knows what

they're doing. Most people turn to you when they're scrambling for

answers. But today, you will be on the other side of the equation if

you're smart. Do not try to hold up a faltering idea or project all by

yourself! Things are moving into an area where you don't have much

experience, so reach out and do what's right and ask for help. Your

success depends on it.


Everyone is acting like your boss today, and you might find it difficult to

obey their authority, but then again, why should you? Even if a friend is

gaining a great deal of power in their life, that doesn't give them

additional rights over yours. If they start treating you like you're one of

their employees, set them straight with a joke. Remind them that you

don't have to do what they say, that you're in their life voluntaril­y. This

dose of reality will help them learn a good lesson.


You are going to be feeling a lot more than thinking today, which is fine, but

it could cause a misunderst­anding if you're not smart about when you let

your heart take over. When to let your brain do the driving is an important

question. Emotions magnify everyone's behavior and could cause you to

assume they feel things that they don't feel. Watch yourself in flirtatiou­s

situations and make sure that you don't start seeing connection­s as being

deeper than they really are.


Your optimistic outlook has never let you down before, and it certainly

won't let you down today. As long as you take care when dealing with

others who aren't quite as sunny as you are, you should get just about

anything you want from anyone you're dealing with. Seeing the bright

side of life is not only useful for you, it is also very attractive. Someone

you are interested in loves the fact that you always see the glass as

being half full and they want to know your secret.


Getting back in touch with a long-lost friend or ex has given your self

esteem quite a boost, but be careful that you don't get swept up in the

moment. If you need to slow things down, be up front about

rearrangin­g a social obligation. You have reestablis­hed a firm footing

with this person, so don't be afraid that they will take your request as

a bad sign. In fact, they'll probably be relieved that you want an honest

relationsh­ip. You need some time by yourself to regroup.

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