Muscat Daily


Water aerobics is the performanc­e of aerobic exercise in water, as in a swimming pool. Done typically in waist deep or deeper water, it is an ideal summer workout


Summer’s here and working out has become tougher. So, if you find it difficult to hit the gym or the jogging track, here’s how to keep fit and have fun at the same time…turn to aqua aerobics!

Water aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise that requires water-immersed participan­ts. Most water aerobics is in a group fitness class setting with a trained profession­al, focusing on aerobic endurance, resistance training, and creating an enjoyable atmosphere with music.

Different forms of water aerobics include aqua Zumba, water yoga, aqua aerobics, and aqua jogging.

Aqua Zumba combines the South American Zumba rhythm and dance steps with a pool party. It offers a fun but challengin­g, water-based, body-toning workout.

Water yoga, or aqua yoga, is a thermal, aquatic activity, which utilises modified movements and principles of yoga to accommodat­e people of all fitness levels. It’s simply about practicing yoga asanas, breathing techniques and meditation in the water.

Aqua jogging allows you to replicate the same running form you have on land. By including water jogging in an overall training plan, you can increase cardio output, improve posture and form, and increase muscular strength.

In general, aqua aerobics helps you lose weight, get stronger, and improve your fitness too, without putting much strain through your joints. This makes them great for people with mobility issues as the water supports the joints, allowing you to get stronger without putting yourself at risk of injury.

So, during summer, swimming pools are more than just relaxing places in which to unwind - they're actually one of the safest, most comfortabl­e, and effective settings for some of the best - and even the most fun, fat-busting and fitness-improving workouts.

Water is up to 800 times denser than air, every single movement in the pool requires more effort. Aquatic resistance training, prenatal water aerobics, and any other water workouts are really effective water activities to lose weight.

Not only do you get excellent resistance and cardio training, but all that extra effort also burns through more calories faster and more effectivel­y than on land, boosting metabolism and leading to weight loss, stronger muscles, leaner physique, and higher stamina and fitness, as well as the mental health benefits that working out and enjoying a healthier body entail.

Naturally, you might think that all that fatburning in the pool is too intense, especially for the disabled, injured, or people with other limitation­s. However, you couldn't be more wrong - gravity's pressure is much weaker in the pool, making in-water exercise gentle, low-impact, and easy on the joints.

What's more, most of the best water aerobics for weight loss are simple, making them easy for most people to take part in and enjoy - even those with physical limitation­s such as injuries, disabiliti­es, and mobility issues linked to high body weight. So, with all this in mind, grab your pool noodle and indulge in pool aerobics that burn fat.

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