Oman Daily Observer

Agents bet on long holidays to spur travel

DEMAND COLD: Despite cheaper tickets, internatio­nal ticket bookings fall 40 per cent less on cost cutting


MAY 7: Outbound travel from Oman has been below par this season due to austerity measures both at individual and cooperate levels due to economic slowdown. Travel agents speaking to the Observer said the outbound trips have seen a drop in ticket bookings by 40 per cent, compared to previous years.

This is despite the fact that ticket prices are at competitiv­e levels as travellers in Oman are just pulling themselves back.

They said that it is too early to predict, how, the holiday travel will turn out to be this year, especially to popular destinatio­ns like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. They are now keeping hopes that long holidays for Eid may spur encourage outbound travel. “It is too early to predict whether outbound travel market will pick up post Eid or during Eid holidays this year. Normally, bookings close for start only around a month before the holiday season, so it will be difficult to give an assessment now,” said Anfal MP, a travel agent based in Ruwi.

But some travel agents said the situation is on the expected lines and not worse than expected.

“It is certainly a lean time because business, official and training tours have been restricted, but hopefully there will be some spending during Eid holidays. I prefer we have long holidays this season, unlike the last year when it was restricted to mere four days,” said an airline executive.

“Short holidays announced last year spoiled the plans of several people and my airline saw several last minute booking cancellati­ons. I hope the situation won’t repeat this year as it may hit our business badly,” said an official of a regional airline, not authorised to speak to media due to protocol issues. According to Internatio­nal Air Transport Associatio­n (IATA) estimates, the Middle East will grow strongly (4.9 per cent) and will see an extra 237 million passengers a year on routes to, from and within the region by 2034. The total market size will be 383 million passengers.

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