Oman Daily Observer

Leftists locked in rivalry as Macron leads presidenti­al election race

SCEPTICISM: Divisions call into question Socialist Party’s survival


PARIS: Two left-wingers in France’s presidenti­al race refused to call a truce on Thursday in a battle that looks sure to knock them both out of a contest that polls say will be won by centrist Emmanuel Macron in a runoff versus far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

Socialist Benoit Hamon vowed to fight to the end despite being deserted by key members of his party while hard left rival Jean-Luc Melenchon, buoyed by a poll surge, ruled out a merger with him that could put the Left back in play.

With the left-wingers locked in a seemingly suicidal combat, Macron relished announceme­nts by several right- and left-wing politician­s, including Socialist Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and Socialist exprime minister Manuel Valls, that they would vote for him instead of Hamon.

“I have a problem in politics at the moment: there are lots of people backing me,” joked Macron, a 39-yearold who promises to transcend the Left-versus-Right divide of politics in France, where the jobless rate in a sluggish economy is near 10 per cent.

“That said, there’s some consolatio­n in the fact that for others the problem is that people are leaving them,” he said at a meeting between candidates and farming sector representa­tives.

Hamon’s struggle — his potential score of votes is hovering slightly above 10 per cent — is complicate­d by the defections of Socialist party grandees, not to mention competitio­n outside his party from Melenchon, who has overtaken him in several polls of voting intentions.

Furious at Valls’ decision to defect to Macron, Hamon told public service radio channel franceinfo: “Of course I will stay through to the finish.”

Melenchon, a political veteran whose potential election score in polls has risen to as high as 15 per cent in the past few days, several points above Hamon, said on Wednesday he was not going to bow out in favour of a single Hamon candidacy.

“I will negotiate with nobody,” he told a rally in the city of Le Havre. His spokesman said the Socialist Party, long split between moderates and hardliners, was now as good as dead.

Only the two top candidates in the April 23 opener go on to the May 7 runoff. Opinion polls put the two frontrunne­rs — Macron and Le Pen — in the mid-twenties, way above those of Melenchon and Hamon and ahead of erstwhile favourite Francois Fillon, a conservati­ve former prime minister. A Harris Interactiv­e poll found that 53 per cent of voters felt Hamon should pull out of the race in favour of Melenchon, a firebrand left-winger who quit the Socialist party several years ago and is now candidate of the Left Party, or what the French call “the Left of the Left”.

 ?? — Reuters ?? Benoit Hamon French Socialist party 2017 presidenti­al candidate, flanked by Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille (L) and Cecile Duflot (R) sings French National anthem at the end of a campaign rally in Lille, France.
— Reuters Benoit Hamon French Socialist party 2017 presidenti­al candidate, flanked by Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille (L) and Cecile Duflot (R) sings French National anthem at the end of a campaign rally in Lille, France.
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