Oman Daily Observer

Ecuador paraplegic president-elect stirs hope for the disabled


QUITO: Ecuador’s paraplegic president-elect Lenin Moreno (pictured) will become a rare head of state to use a wheelchair when he takes office next month, stirring hope for disabled people worldwide.

Leftist Moreno, a 64-year-old former vice president, lost use of his legs after he was shot two decades ago during a robbery while he was buying bread with his wife.

Following a difficult recovery, he says he choose to “continue living” and wrote nearly 10 motivation­al books, including one called ‘ Laugh, Don’t be Ill.’ A former UN envoy on disability and accessibil­ity, Moreno will become one of the most high-profile disabled leaders since former US President Franklin D Roosevelt, who was confined to a wheelchair because of polio as he led the country during the Great Depression and World War Two.

Disabled associatio­ns sent celebrator­y messages on Monday after Moreno narrowly won Sunday’s runoff vote.

“It’s an honour that @Lenin is Ecuador’s new president,” the Colombian associatio­n for people with physical disabiliti­es tweeted. “Many congratula­tions.” During his tenure as vice president outgoing leftist president Rafael to Correa, Moreno’s hallmark centered on improving the disabled Ecuadorean­s.

He helped build a database of disabled people so they could receive medical treatment tailored to their needs and pushed for the government to provide a monthly stipend for families who care for a disabled relative. For Ecuador’s estimated 400,000 people with physical, mental, hearing, or visual disabiliti­es, Moreno is nothing short of a hero.

Disabled supporters often filled the first spots around the stage during his campaign across the country that includes Andean plateaus, a sweltering policies lives of coast, and the Galapagos Islands. An aide would wheel Moreno onto stage, where he often broke into song to the delight of flag-waving supporters.

“The fact Lenin lives and breathes the same situation means he understand­s what we live day to day in a completely different way,” said Jorge Camacho, 34, at one rally, sitting in a wheelchair he has used since a traffic accident 15 years ago.

During the campaign, right-wing challenger Guillermo Lasso steered clear of criticizin­g Moreno’s prodisabil­ity programmes or voicing potential concern about his health.

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