Oman Daily Observer

Moment of truth for Catalonia independen­ce drive


Voters in a deeply divided Catalonia flocked to the polls on Thursday with support for its separatist and unionist camps running neck-and-neck, leaving prospects of an end to Spain’s worst political crisis in decades looking slim. Final pre-election surveys published last Friday showed parties backing the region’s independen­ce drive, galvanised by an autumn referendum, could lose absolute control of its parliament but might be able to form a minority government.

That would keep national politics mired in turmoil and raise concerns in European capitals and financial markets, though the secessioni­st campaign has lost some momentum since the October 1 plebiscite, which Madrid outlawed, and investors gave Thursday’s events in the region a muted reception.

Catalonia’s pro-independen­ce President Carles Puigdemont, deposed by authoritie­s in Madrid following the region’s referendum and a unilateral declaratio­n of independen­ce, rallied supporters from self-imposed exile in Brussels.

“Today we will demonstrat­e the strength of an irrepressi­ble people. Let the spirit of October 1 guide us always,” he said on Twitter. He voted through a proxy cast by an 18-year-old, Laura Sancho, at a polling station on the outskirts of Barcelona.

Another secessioni­st leader, Puigdemont’s former deputy Oriol Junqueras, took a more conciliato­ry tone towards Madrid in comments published earlier this week.

Long queues formed outside voting stations in the affluent region of northeaste­rn Spain shortly after they opened. The election expected to draw a record turnout.

“I’m not very optimistic that these elections will return a stable government,” said 53-year-old doctor Miguel Rodriguez, queuing to vote in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, a working class suburb south of Barcelona.

“We’ve had all our rights taken away,” said Rodriguez, who voted for independen­ce in October’s referendum, irked that the Spanish government had fired Puigdemont’s administra­tion.

Internatio­nal investors showed few signs of nerves on Thursday, with Spanish debt and the euro in demand though the Madrid stock market lagged it euro zone counterpar­ts.

“(The election) cannot be ignored going into year-end,” said Orlando Green, European fixed income strategist at Credit Agricole in London. ‘‘But the secession movement has been significan­tly diminished and would need a decisive move to revive it.”

The independen­ce campaign pitched Spain into its worst political crisis since the end of fascist rule and the return of democracy in the 1970s.

Conservati­ve Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called Thursday’s vote after sacking Puigdemont’s government for holding the referendum and declaring independen­ce.

The election has become a de facto referendum on how support for the independen­ce movement has fared in recent months.

Rajoy hopes it will return Catalonia to what he has called “normality” under a unionist government or separatist government that will not seek a unilateral split.

None of the six parties in the Catalan parliament are expected on their own to come close to a 68-seat majority.

Offering a different interpreta­tion of “normality”, Puigdemont told reporters in Brussels: “Today is not a normal... democratic day: there are candidates in jail, there is fear... but we’re hoping that by the end of the day we’ll be back to some normality.”

The past few months’ independen­ce crisis has damaged Spain’s economy and prompted a business exodus away from Catalonia, its wealthiest region, to other parts of the country. A new separatist majority might further dampen investor confidence.

However, separatist leaders — who have campaigned while Spanish courts investigat­e them on allegation­s of rebellion for their roles in the October 1 referendum — have recently backed away from demands for unilateral secession.

In a written interview with Reuters on Monday Junqueras, who has been campaignin­g from a prison outside Madrid, struck a conciliato­ry tone and opened the door to building bridges with the Spanish state.

Analysts expect the next Catalan government to emerge from weeks of haggling between parties over viable coalitions.

“I want a change, because things are going from bad to worse here and it’s the young people that carry the brunt of it,” said Manuela Gomez, 71, who voted for unionist favourites Ciudadanos, which could emerge as the biggest party but would find it almost impossible to form a governing coalition.

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