Oman Daily Observer

Regional issues to top Arab Summit agenda


DAMMAM: The 29th Arab Summit will discuss a number of important political, economic and security issues, said special sources in a statement to Oman News Agency.

The Summit has about 20 items on its agenda on the foremost of which the report by the previous summit hosted by Jordan on following up the implementa­tion of the decisions and obligation­s, the report of the Arab League Secretary-general on the joint Arab work, the developmen­ts of the Palestinia­n issue, the Israeli violations in the occupied Al Quds, and the subsidy to the Palestinia­n budget, as well as the escalation of the Arab Israeli conflict.

The sources added that the Summit will also discuss the developmen­ts of the Syrian, Libyan and Yemeni crises, supporting peace and developmen­t in Sudan and Somalia, as well as a number of other important issues.

“The items listed on the agenda also include maintainin­g Arab national security, combatting terrorist groups, developing the Arab League, organising the Arab Cultural Summit, the social and economic dossier and the timing of the next Arab Summit (30th) in 2019, the sources furthered.

The sources, which believed that this summit has a special importance due to the regional conditions, expressed its wishes that the 29th Arab Summit would adopt final solution about providing subsidy for the Arab countries that host Syrian refugees to help them carry the socioecono­mic burden of this hosting.

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