Oman Daily Observer

Pakistan could face US aid cuts over traffickin­g


ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON: The Trump administra­tion is warning Pakistan it could lose US civilian aid worth tens of millions of dollars this year if Washington finds that the South Asian nation has not done enough to combat human traffickin­g, US officials said.

An aid cutback would deal a fresh blow to Us-pakistan relations following President Donald Trump’s suspension in January of some $2 billion in US security assistance over what Trump said was Islamabad’s failure to crack down on insurgent sanctuarie­s.

A large portion of US civilian aid — $265 million in 2017, according to a source at the US Embassy in Islamabad — could be withheld if the State Department puts Pakistan on a list of worst global offenders in human traffickin­g in an annual report due out in June.

The funding is relatively modest for the size of Pakistan’s economy.

But Islamabad could suffer a heavier jolt if Washington also decides to oppose new assistance from internatio­nal financial institutio­ns such as the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These are all sanctions that the United States, under federal law, can impose on any country receiving the lowest grade on human traffickin­g unless Trump issues a full or partial waiver.

He did so for most countries on last year’s blacklist, following a pattern set by recent predecesso­rs who were especially lenient on US allies and partners.

By making good on its threat against Pakistan, the Trump administra­tion would raise questions about whether it was using the Traffickin­g in Persons (TIP) report to pressure Islamabad to do more on counter-terrorism.

The report is not supposed to be influenced by other geopolitic­al considerat­ions, but human rights groups accused the Trump administra­tion last year, and the Obama administra­tion before it, of sometimes prioritizi­ng economic and security interests over human traffickin­g concerns.

Pakistani Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal said the country has “taken very stringent steps” against human traffickin­g and the issue “should not be used for political means to pressurize countries.”

A senior Trump administra­tion official said no decision on the ranking has been made, but that Pakistan, long an uneasy US ally, has been told it can avoid a lower — only “if we see them making sincere efforts to address the problems that have been raised.”

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