Oman Daily Observer

Iran warns US it would regret quitting N-deal

PANDORA’S BOX: Macron sees risk of war if Trump opts out


TEHRAN/BERLIN: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that if the United States quits the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers then Washington would regret it “like never before”.

US President Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw from the agreement when it comes up for renewal on May 12, demanding his country’s European allies “fix the terrible flaws” or he will re-impose sanctions.

“If the United States leaves the nuclear agreement, you will soon see that they will regret it like never before in history,” reformist Rouhani said in a televised speech in northweste­rn Iran.

“Trump must know that our people are united, the Zionist regime (Israel) must know that our people are united,” Rouhani said.

“Today all (Iran’s) political factions, whether they be from the right, the left, the conservati­ves, reformers and moderates are united,” he added.

The nuclear deal was struck in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States, then led by Barack Obama.

Under the pact, sanctions were eased in return for a commitment not to pursue a nuclear bomb, but Iran says it is not reaping the rewards despite complying with the deal.

Trump has consistent­ly complained about the agreement, citing perceived flaws including “sunset” provisions lifting some nuclear restrictio­ns from 2025. Rouhani vehemently reiterated his country’s opposition to curtailing its non-nuclear missile capabiliti­es, in his speech on Sunday.

Tehran “will build as many missiles and weapons as needed” for its defence, he said.

“We are honouring our commitment, but we are telling the whole world we will not negotiate with anyone about our weapons and our defence.”

Iran’s president also said that while he is open to discussing the country’s regional role, he would not abandon what he described as its fight “against terrorism.”

“We want to talk to the world so that our region is safe” but “we will not allow you to create a new Daesh” he said, using an Arabic term for the IS group.

While Rouhani did not elaborate on this point, Iran’s ally the Syrian government has consistent­ly referred to all armed opponents as “terrorists” and accused the West of facilitati­ng terrorism.

Iran has always denied it sought a nuclear weapon, insisting its atomic programme was for civilian purposes.

Rouhani did not specify how Iran would react if the US pulls out of the 2015 deal.

But he said he had given “the necessary orders”, notably to Iran’s Atomic Energy Organizati­on, in anticipati­on of Trump’s decision. As the May 12 US decision point nears, Iranian leaders have shuffled between placatory and hawkish comments, although the hardliners have taken a uncompromi­sing stance.

French President Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, warned that war could ensue if Trump withdraws from the 2015 deal in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

“We would open the Pandora’s box. There could be war,” Macron told German weekly magazine Der Spiegel. But he added: “I don’t think that Donald Trump wants war.”

Trump is set to decide by May 12 whether to pull out of the Iran deal. Trump has all but decided to withdraw but exactly how he will do so remains unclear, two White House officials and a source familiar with the administra­tion’s internal debate said on May 2.

Trump could still figure out a way to stay in the deal.

Macron urged Trump not to withdraw when he met the president in Washington late last month.


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