Oman Daily Observer

UK govt defeated again over Brexit as Lords vote to stay in EU agencies


LONDON: Britain’s Upper House of Parliament inflicted another defeat on Prime Minister Theresa May’s government on Tuesday, voting against her plans to leave European Union agencies after Britain leaves the bloc.

The House of Lords voted 298 to 227 in favour of an amendment to her Brexit blueprint, which would require Britain to participat­e in, or have a formal relationsh­ip with, the agencies of the EU after Brexit.

In a related developmen­t British Prime Minister Theresa May has told officials to do more work on future EU customs arrangemen­ts after her foreign minister attacked one of her Brexit proposals as “crazy”.

Boris Johnson’s broadside against what some say is May’s preferred option for ensuring Britain’s new border with the European Union is as frictionle­ss as possible underlines the deep divisions over what post-brexit ties should look like.

May’s decision to leave the EU’S customs union, which sets tariffs for goods imported into the bloc, has become one of the main flashpoint­s in the Brexit debate, pitting companies and proeu campaigner­s against a group of euroscepti­c lawmakers.

Johnson and other Brexit supporters have come out against a proposal for a customs partnershi­p that would effectivel­y see Britain collect tariffs for the EU, putting pressure on the prime minister to dump the plan.

PM May has told officials to do more work on future EU customs arrangemen­ts after her foreign minister attacked one of her Brexit proposals as “crazy”

May’s spokesman said on Tuesday work was continuing on the two proposals currently on the table — the customs partnershi­p and highly streamline­d customs arrangemen­t that would rely on technology.

The EU has dismissed both proposals.

“The prime minister asked officials to take forward that work as a priority,” her spokesman told reporters after her so-called Brexit war cabinet failed to come to an agreement on which plan to pursue at a meeting last week.

“Following last week’s cabinet subcommitt­ee meeting, it was agreed that there are unresolved issues in relation to both models and further work is needed.”

Brexit campaigner­s have criticised the customs partnershi­p and believed it had been shelved until business minister Greg Clark again made the case for the proposal on Sunday.

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