Oman Daily Observer

World’s biggest king penguin colony shrinks 90 per cent


The planet’s largest colony of king penguins h a s declined by nearly 90 per cent in three decades, alarmed researcher­s said on Monday. The last time scientists set foot on France’s remote Ile aux Cochons — roughly half way between the tip of Africa and Antarctica — the island was blanketed by two million of the flightless birds, which stand about a metre (three feet) tall.

But recent satellite images and photos taken from helicopter­s show the population has collapsed, with barely 200,000 remaining, according to a study published in

King penguins are home bodies. While adults will set to sea for days at a time foraging for food, the species does not migrate.

Why the colony on Ile aux Cochon has been so decimated remains a mystery.

“It is completely unexpected, and particular­ly significan­t since this colony represente­d nearly one third of the king penguins in the world,” said lead author Henri Weimerskir­ch, an ecologist at the Centre for Biological Studies in Chize, France, who first set eyes on the colony in 1982.

Climate change may play a role.

In 1997, a particular­ly strong El Nino weather event warmed the southern Indian Ocean, temporaril­y pushing the fish and squid on which king penguins depend south, beyond their foraging range.

“This resulted in population decline and poor breeding success” for all the king penguin colonies in the region, Weimerskir­ch said.

El Nino’s are cyclical events that occur every two to seven years. But they can be amplified by global warming, which itself produces many of the same results, albeit on a longer timescale.

Indeed, Weimerskir­ch and colleagues showed in an earlier study that climate change, on its current trajectory, will likely make the Iles Crozet — the archipelag­o that contains Ile aux Cochon — unviable for king penguins by mid-century.

Migration is not an option because there are no other suitable islands within striking range.

Other factors may be contributi­ng to the decline of the Ile aux Cochon colony, including overcrowdi­ng.


“The larger the population, the fiercer the competitio­n between individual­s,” noted a statement from France’s National Centre for Scientific Research, which funded the study.

“The repercussi­ons of lack of food are thus amplified and can trigger an unpreceden­ted rapid and drastic drop in numbers.”

But this so-called “density-dependent effect” can also be made worse by climate change, the study notes.

Another possible culprit is avian cholera, which has affected seabirds on nearby Marion and Amsterdam Islands, including some king penguins.

But until Weimerskir­ch and other researcher­s return to Ile aux Cochons — hopefully, he said, in early 2019 — they won’t know for sure.

It is also possible that invasive species such as rats, mice or cats, have found their way onto the island.

The Red List of Threatened Species conservati­on status for king penguins is currently “least concern,” but the new data may prompt a reevaluati­on.

King penguins are the second-largest penguin species after the Emperor.

They do not make a nest, but rather lay one egg at a time and carry it around on their feet covered with a flap of abdominal skin, called a brood patch.

Parents take turns incubating the egg, switching every couple of weeks over a two-month period.

There are two sub-species of kings. Aptenodyte­s patagonica patagonicu­s inhabits the Falklands and South Georgia Island, while Aptenodyte­s patagonica halli resides in the southernmo­st reaches of Indian Ocean and South Pacific.

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