Oman Daily Observer

Oman a worldwide destinatio­n for peace


eace and stability are key blessings being missed today by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Various social, economic and political issues are behind countries’ instabilit­y and lack of peace. Unfortunat­ely, it’s the people who are paying for it.

People’s ways to get what they want is not always the right way to achieve goals.

Leader of Indian Independen­ce movement, Mahatma Gandhi was right when he said an ‘eye for eye’ will end up in making the entire world blind.

However, German-born physicist Albert Einstein claimed peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved through understand­ing.

Peace does not mean absence of conflicts as difference­s will always be there. It means solving these difference­s through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge and humane ways.

Mother Teresa had said if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other. But unfortunat­ely, people have forgotten they need one another in one way or the other.

In view of that, countries and individual­s nowadays are “minding their own business” on peace-related issues. The result of all this is disorder in some countries which results in losing entire nation along with its identity, history, culture and people.

The nation will end up getting embroiled in episodes of war, in which rebellions show their muscle and people are humiliated for no reason sometimes. They have no choice but to tolerate all sorts of torture and insult.

Putting up with threats every day in different parts of the world is just for the sake of a place to live till the last day of their life. They want nothing more than being safe every day.

They feel the threat every second. What a miserable life they have. They tolerate all kinds of threats and struggles for the love of their countries.

Oman has been sparing no effort to support peace and stability as a right of every human being. Thanks to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos for his wise leadership and promising vision observed from his early days on the throne.

Oman’s policy in regards to internatio­nal relations was stated by His Majesty: “Our foreign policy is based on firm foundation­s and principles: support for right and justice and a desire to work together with other peace-loving countries of the world to resolve internatio­nal conflicts through dialogue and negotiatio­n, so that everyone can enjoy security and stability and all the peoples of the earth can reap the benefits.”

Over the past decades, Oman has left no stone unturned in working to achieve peace and establish a fair solution through constructi­ve dialogue in the framework of internatio­nal legitimacy.

What happened recently with His Majesty Sultan Qaboos by receiving Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine, and Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, is a translatio­n of his visionary policy towards achieving peace for all.

His Majesty’s audience to both of them marks a positive consequenc­e about the Sultanate’s role in serving peace through dialogue, whether in the case of Palestine or in the case of Yemen, Libya and other Arab and regional issues. It reflects a deep faith in peace and efforts for stability and prosperity of all countries and people of the region and their aspiration­s for a better future.

The Sultanate’s vital role in the internatio­nal peace process through various initiative­s is another essential reason for being highly recognised by internatio­nal society as a worldwide destinatio­n for peace and His Majesty being the peace ambassador worldwide.

Oman has left no stone unturned in working to achieve peace and establish a fair solution through constructi­ve dialogue in the framework of internatio­nal legitimacy

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