Oman Daily Observer

Money moves in Mosul, but not via banks


Since extremists were ousted from Mosul last year, taxi driver Abu Aref has ferried more than just people into Iraq’s second city: he regularly smuggles envelopes stuffed with cash. This is how salaries are paid and bills settled in the northern metropolis, despite the banks reopening since Iraqi forces seized it back last year from the Islamic State group after three years of militant rule.

Iraqi authoritie­s, fearing that free flows of money could help finance an IS comeback, have not authorised even simple transfers.

So Mosul banks, exchange offices, and money transfer companies have watched helplessly as more rudimentar­y methods fill the gap.

Abu Aref said he carries anywhere between $10,000 and to 50,000 at a time in his cab.

“I put the money in an envelope that I then tape underneath my seat,” he said.

The journey can be risky. One of his colleagues was recently the victim of a highway robbery along the 200 km route between Mosul and Baiji, further south.

IS swept into Mosul in 2014, seizing several hundred million dollars from a branch of Iraq’s central bank and other financial institutio­ns.

Mosul came back under Iraqi government control in July 2017 after a months-long assault that left its infrastruc­ture devastated, but IS cells appear to remain active.

Security forces last month arrested nearly a dozen members of an IS financial network based in Iraq, according to a Usled coalition against the extremists in Iraq and Syria.

The central bank has remained wary of resuming operations in Mosul, saying it wants to know “where this money comes from and where it’s going.”

Around 20 private and state-owned banks have reopened in Mosul.

But the central bank has not budged on its ban on transfers to and from the city.

That decision appears to have hurt business owners in Mosul, a centuries-old trade hub with access to Iraqi, Turkish and Syrian markets.

Among them is Abdullah Basman, 27, a Mosul native who sells computer parts brought in from other areas of Iraq and from Dubai.

To pay suppliers, he hands envelopes of cash to a driver he trusts, who rushes the money to Baghdad and wires it to other Iraqi cities or internatio­nally to pay the shop’s bills.

“The banks in Mosul are just buildings. Nothing more,” said Basman, 27.

For company employee Abu Akram, the ban on bank transfers means he often goes months without a salary, which is issued from his firm’s headquarte­rs in Baghdad.

He relies on friends of relatives who traverse 400 km south to Baghdad or travel to nearby Iraqi Kurdistan to retrieve his cash. But there are hiccups. “Sometimes, my company refuses to give my salary to someone other than me. With a taxi, there’s a risk of an accident or of theft,” Abu Akram said.

The reach of banks in Mosul appear to be par for the course in Iraq, where only one in ten people has an account, according to the World Bank.

“The banking system in Iraq is underdevel­oped, dominated by inefficien­t state-owned banks. Some of them are believed to be capital deficient and extend little credit to the private sector,” the multilater­al lender wrote in a recent report.

“Private banks are small and they are mostly active in currency exchanges and wire transfers.”

Despite the challenges, Iraqi economist Rafea Ahmed says multiple businesses and investors have already resumed operations in Mosul.

“They rapidly brought back money in their own ways,” he said.

Secret transfers even continued during IS’S rule over the city, with family members living in Baghdad finding ways to smuggle money to relatives stuck inside Mosul.

Some of that cash, says Ahmed, has contribute­d to the revival already visible in Mosul.

Even if the banks sit empty, the restaurant­s, commercial centres, and open markets are now buzzing with activity.

Iraqi authoritie­s, fearing free flow of money could aid IS comeback, have not authorised even simple transfers. Banks watched helplessly as rudimentar­y methods fill the gap


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