Oman Daily Observer

Berlin divided over call for Syria peacekeepi­ng force


BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government was sharply divided on Tuesday by defence minister Annegret Krampkarre­nbauer’s surprise call for internatio­nal troops to secure northeast Syria.

The initiative had provoked “a certain degree of irritation” among Germany’s NATO allies, foreign minister Heiko Maas said.

Maas represents Merkel’s centre-left coalition partners the SPD, while Kramp-karrenbaue­r is leader of the chancellor’s conservati­ve CDU party.

Turkey’s military interventi­on in northeast Syria, as well as Russia’s backing for the Damascus regime, mean “there are high hurdles for any internatio­nalisation of the solution to the conflict,” Maas said.

For now, Berlin “has engaged with efforts to resolve the conflict” with “diplomatic and humanitari­an” means, he added.

There had been “no discussion” of an internatio­nal mission to northeast Syria with Germany’s allies, Maas said, recalling also the failure of a similar plan for northweste­rn Syrian region Aleppo in late 2016. junior,

Kramp-karrenbaue­r had told broadcaste­r Deutsche Welle on Monday that a “security zone” could allow internatio­nal forces, including European troops, to “resume the fight against terror and against the Islamic State” group (IS) as well as “stabilise the region so that rebuilding civilian life is once again possible”.

The defence chief is keen to involve Bundeswehr (German army) soldiers, although a rare foreign deployment would have to be in line with internatio­nal law and secure approval from parliament.

Europe and Germany must “come up with our own recommenda­tions and initiate discussion­s,” rather than being “simply... an onlooker” Kramp-karrenbaue­r said. She added that she had already floated her proposal to the British, American and French defence ministers and would discuss it further at a meeting of the NATO alliance in Brussels on Thursday and Friday.

Kramp-karrenbaue­r’s call for military interventi­on came as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was in Russia for talks with President Vladimir Putin on Syria.


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