Oman Daily Observer

Hungary kitchen fills welfare gap for Covid jobless



families stricken by unemployme­nt due to the Covid crisis who have also fallen through the country’s flimsy social security net say they have little option but to turn to a pop-up soup kitchen.

The help is a private initiative by Norbert Bango and his wife Vivien, who run a Budapest restaurant and decided to repurpose its kitchen as a relief centre after it was shuttered last March during the first coronaviru­s lockdown.

Since then, at least once a week the couple have been preparing and distributi­ng hot meals as well as bags of essentials like cooking oil, flour and fruit.

“We’re the only restaurant in central Budapest doing this,” Vivien, 35, told while ladling stew from a steaming vat into hundreds of plastic bowls of noodles.

“We gave up our Christmas break with our family as we couldn’t sleep knowing people would go hungry’’, she said.

Located in Budapest’s nightlife district, the “Kis Kulacs” (“Little Flask”) hosted popular live music sessions after the couple bought it two years ago.

But since the coronaviru­s measures emptied the city of tourists and customers, it now plays host to a queue of people desperate for food, regularly stretching for hundreds of metres.

“When we started, so many families with children came that I said whatever happens I have to keep going to try to help them’’, Norbert, 48, told AFP.

Many in the queue said they had lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

“I’m one of 50 let go this year from my former workplace’’, Cecilia Jakab, a 37-year-old office cleaner and single mother of three, said.

“We can’t pay our bills anymore but since Norbi and Vivi started this at least my children can be fed’’, she said.

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