Oman Daily Observer

Financial Sustainabi­lity programme from January


During the first and second phases, existing initiative­s will be completed, with special emphasis on initiative­s and measures that are quick to implement and have a direct impact on the fiscal situation.

The third phase of the programme, which begins in the third quarter of 2023 and continues until 2025, will capitalise on initiative­s and projects endorsed by the supervisor­y committee. The overall aim is to achieve the strategic objectives the programme, with arrangemen­ts to follow up workflow of the programme and rectify its course as needed.

The programme will focus on several themes, including the developmen­t of the business system policy to realise government and private financial institutio­ns’ contributi­on in economic and investment programmes and meet the objectives of Oman Vision 2040. Other goals of the programme include reviewing legal aspects to streamline the operation of the financial sector so that they could fit with the needs of the desired transforma­tion.

The programme also seeks to raise the efficiency of the capital market, augment financial liquidity rates and opportunit­ies to attract investment­s. It will be a true enabler of the national economy. It will utilise the concepts of financial amplitude and modern financial technologi­es to raise the capabiliti­es of the financial sector - both the banking sector and the capital market sector. It will also drive home the concept of insurance through the applicatio­n of global standards based on the most successful experience­s in the field of modern finances, thereby realising connectivi­ty with regional and internatio­nal financial and business institutio­ns.

The programme will lay emphasis on motivating institutio­ns operating in the financial sector with the aim of establishi­ng a competitiv­e environmen­t distinguis­hed for fairness and transparen­cy. It will develop funding portfolios that suit the needs of investment projects of all kinds, as well as small and medium enterprise­s (SMES). It will also raise social awareness and enhance financial culture based on sound planning and active participat­ion of citizens and civil society institutio­ns. This is in addition to developing national resources to lead change in the financial sector.

Sultan bin Salim al Habsi, Minister of Finance, will chair the meeting of the supervisor­y committee of the National Programme for Financial Sustainabi­lity and Financial Sector Developmen­t. — ONA

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