Oman Daily Observer

Tunisia’s leader targeting unions to distract from failures: UGTT


Tunisia’s powerful UGTT trade union accused President Kais Saied on Friday of targeting it to distract the public from record low election turnout and the “total failure” of his economic policies.

UGTT chief Noureddine Taboubi was talking at a meeting to discuss the arrest of the union’s senior official Anis Kaabi earlier this week.

“The message is clear that the UGTT is being targeted,”taboubi said.

“The president is trying to divert attention from what happened in the second round of legislativ­e elections and the utter failure of his economic and social decisions.”

On Sunday the North African country completed an election to a parliament Saied stripped of its powers last year, a vote boycotted by almost 90 per cent of the electorate.

“The state is using intimidati­on to repress the opposition,”taboubi said on Friday.

The head of the million-member union federation, which jointly won the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize for its role in Tunisia’s democratic transition, said Kaabi had been arrested to send “a clear message, that the UGTT is a target”.

Kaabi was detained on Monday after workers at toll barriers on Tunisian highways went on strike for better pay, meaning tolls usually paid to the stateowned highways company went uncollecte­d for two days.

Tunisie Autoroutes had made two formal complaints against him for financial losses stemming from the strike, local media reported.

Hours before Kaabi was detained, Saied had threatened “those who block roads”, saying that they “cannot remain unaccounta­ble”.

The UGTT said the arrest was a “violation of union rights as well as internatio­nal treaties” signed by Tunisia.

On Thursday, Kaabi was placed in pre-trial detention ahead of a February 23 court hearing on charges of “exploitati­on of his status as a civil servant with a view to prejudicin­g the administra­tion”, media reported.

 ?? ?? Tunisia’s President Kais Saied
Tunisia’s President Kais Saied

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