Oman Daily Observer

California looks to Europe to rein in AI


California, home to Silicon Valley, is eager to rein in the deployment of artificial intelligen­ce and is looking to Europe’s tough-on-big-tech approach for inspiratio­n. The richest state in the United States by GDP, California is a hotbed of no-holds-barred tech innovation, but lawmakers in state capital Sacramento want to give the industry laws and guardrails it has largely been spared in the internet age.

Brussels has enacted a barrage of laws on Us-dominated tech and sprinted to pass the AI Act after Openai’s Microsoft-backed CHATGPT arrived on the scene in late 2022, unleashing a global AI race.

“What we’re trying to do is actually learn from the Europeans, but also work with the Europeans, and figure out how to put regulation­s in place on AI,” said David Harris, senior policy advisor at the California Initiative for Technology and Democracy.

As they have in the past with EU laws on private data, lawmakers in California are looking to recent European legislatio­n on AI, especially given the little hope of equivalent national legislatio­n out of Washington.

There are at least 30 different bills proposed by California state legislator­s that relate to various aspects of AI, according to Harris, who said he has advised officials here and in Europe on such laws.

Proposed laws in California range from requiring AI makers to reveal what was used to train models to banning election ads containing any computer generated features.

“One of the aspects I think is really important is the question of how we deal with deepfakes or fake text created to look like a human being is sending you messages,” Harris said.

State assembly member Gail Pellerin is backing a bill she says would essentiall­y ban the spreading of deceptive digital content created with generative AI in the months leading up to and the weeks following an election.

“Bad actors who are utilising this are really hoping to create chaos in an election,” Pellerin said.

Industry associatio­n Netchoice is dead set against importing aspects of European legislatio­n on AI, or any other EU tech regulation.

“They are taking, essentiall­y, a European approach on artificial intelligen­ce - which is that we must ban the technology,” said Carl Szabo, the general counsel of the associatio­n, which advocates for light touch regulation of tech.

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