Times of Oman

India’s national unity is in terrible peril today


Special to Times of Oman

Barkha Dutt of NDTV did a fine piece in Hindustan Times last week. Bemoaning the continuing degenerati­on of Indian politics coupled with the rise of the Right, she voiced eminent jurist Fali Nariman’s concerns raised at the recent National Integratio­n Council meet in Delhi. Meeting in the wake of Muzaffarna­gar riots, Nariman shook everyone with his moving interventi­on when he said, “I was born in a pluralisti­c, tolerant India, but I fear I may not die in one.”

The feisty NDTV journalist goes on to argue that long years of political hypocrisy has weakened the idea of secularism. So much so this once lofty ideal, enshrined in Indian constituti­on, has become a joke and almost a curse word to be jeered at by the Right.

She blames the opportunis­m of politician­s like Mulayam Singh Yadav, once called ‘Maulana’ for his proximity to Muslims, for this state of affairs. But let us not lose sight of the fact that it was the Congress that invented and perfected this fine art of tokenism, paying endless lip service to minorities while doing precious little to improve their lives.

Apparently, it was the BJP patriarch Lal Krishna Advani who first came up with the word ‘pseudosecu­larism’ to describe the Congress’s so-called appeasemen­t of Muslims while his more ingenious protégé Narendra Modi would spell it as ‘sickularis­m’. And if pundits and pollsters are to be believed, he would be India’s next prime minister in less than two months time!

If the Right has managed to turn secularism, once the proud cornerston­e of Indian democracy and its defining identity, into an expletive today, it has been ably aided and assisted by the party that has ruled India for the better part of its independen­t existence and other fellow travellers. They have used it repeatedly and shamelessl­y to cover their naked ambition and bankruptcy of principles.

Talking of the essentiall­y self-serving nature of politics, Russian leader Khrushchev had explained that politician­s are the same everywhere. But then he hadn’t seen our politician­s in action. They have turned rank opportunis­m, shifting loyalties and ideologica­l and political somersault­s into a fine art and science altogether. Twelve years ago, Ram Vilas Paswan won millions of hearts when he stormed out of the NDA coalition led by Vajpayee, giving up his ministry over the 2002 pogrom in Gujarat.

Today, hemmed in from all sides, he has embraced Modi. He cited Gujarat as the ‘model of good governance where no riots have taken place since 2002’ at the first public meeting with Modi in Patna. Paswan and son still insist that they remain committed to ‘secularism’ even as Modi trashed it and drove it into the ground again and again at the same rally.

One week, Sharad Power of NCP, one of the sharpest and wiliest minds in Indian politics, bats for Modi citing the so-called clean chit given by the special investigat­ion team. Another convenient week finds him trashing the Gujarat leader in the name of secularism and all that is holy. He could now convenient­ly recall the carnage that went on for months on the Gujarat leader’s watch.

Pawar does not have any qualms in accommodat­ing the leading lights of Shiv Sena, notorious for their role in the 1992-93 riots that killed nearly as many people as in Gujarat incidental­ly on the watch of a Congress government led by his minion Sudhakar Naik. They all become secular overnight as soon as they shed the saffron colour and put on white Congress crisps.

There have been numerous others who have used the fig leaf of secularism to get away with murder. From dumb cosmetic gestures like hosting iftar parties to wearing skull caps to offering false promises and empty rhetoric, every political party, from the Congress to Samajwadi Party to BSP and every politcal leader from Lalu and Mayawati to Nitish, is guilty of abusing it.

None of these champions of secularism and minorities have anything concrete to show for their long years in power, save perhaps the glory of their own extended families and clans.

Secularism is not photo ops with Muslims during elections or Ramadan and Eid or visits to dargahs and mushairas waxing eloquent about the lyrical beauty of Urdu and its contributi­on to freedom struggle. Added to this is the faux sympathy and rhetoric of the so-called secular parties invoking Muslims and secularism whenever it suits them, as if secularism was the concern and headache of the Muslims alone.

No wonder secularism has become the most abused word in Indian politics today. Yet it was once the guiding spirit of Indian democracy and constituti­on. Jawaharlal Nehru and other leading lights of Independen­ce movement understood that it was the glue that held the nation together and it did in great crises and most trying circumstan­ces. The author is an award-winning Gulf based writer. All the views and opinions expressed in the article are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of Times of Oman.

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