Times of Oman



Shaji KN

Dentists need to focus on treatment, not surgeries

This refers to the news story, Cavities: Symptoms and treatment (November 1). The writer has very eloquently described issues with this dental problem. However, as per my experience, the experts of this medical field are not following their oath. I have been to many dentists for consultati­on and all of them jump to the conclusion that some type of surgical procedure is needed. What I cannot understand is why can’t such conditions be treated, thus helping to stall the conditions due to which the cavities occur in the first place? — Jacob Davids, Muscat Scan this QR code to send letters to the Readers’ Forum, containing not more than 200 words with full name, address and telephone number, may be sent by mail (Times of Oman, P.O. Box 770, P.C. 112, Ruwi).

Lobbyists using climate change issue for financial gains

This refers to the online story, 150 countries submit plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions to slow climate change (October 30). I think the mankind should not care about global warming. In my opinion, it is not possible to stall the process by reducing carbon footprint and other measures. The stakeholde­rs behind these initiative­s are pure capitalist­s and hope to gain as much as possible monetarily. This environmen­tal issue is the pet project of lobbyists as it is an easy sell. It would be much better if the humanity thinks as one, for once, and learns to adapt and help each other to save people instead of financial benefits. — Sabeen Mehwish, Ruwi

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