Times of Oman



Sharukh Zalam

Obama’s small step on Cuba to be a giant leap

This refers to the news Obama, Raul hold historic talks (March 22). The warring world will surely look forward to peace being ‘umbrellaed’ by the superpower­s we have in store across the globe. This moment is not only historic, but it will also keep influencin­g the course of history. Although Obama had to overcome internal antagonism­s on the way to Havana, there lies always a silver lining as stated by Ernesto Che Guaevara, “We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it”. For those ravenous refugees, those homeless humans, those children for whom school stays out of bounds, Obama’s small step would be a giant leap!. Scan this QR code to send letters to the Readers’ Forum, containing not more than 200 words with full name, address and telephone number, may be sent by e-mail (akhtar@ timesofoma­n.com).

Wadi Kabir

Emerging countries’ society not suited for democratic rule

This refers to the news South African corruption watchdog to step up probe into Zuma scandal (March 22). The ongoing scandals in South Africa and Brazil show democracy doesn’t work in countries in emerging countries. The reason being that there is no tradition of listening to viewpoints opposing one’s own. Also these countries have large number of illiterate­s who only listen to authoritar­ian rulers.— Seeb

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