Times of Oman

G20 financial leaders plead for endorsemen­t of free trade


BUENOS AIRES: World financial leaders pleaded for an endorsemen­t of free trade on Monday amid worries about US metals tariffs and looming trade sanctions on China, but Trump administra­tion officials said they would not sacrifice US national interests.

The Buenos Aires meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the world’s 20 biggest economies was meant to discuss a brightenin­g economic outlook, the future of work, cryptocurr­encies like bitcoin, and corporate tax avoidance.

But trade dominated the discussion­s after President Donald Trump on March 8 announced global tariffs of 25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminium.

Trump is expected on Friday to announce new tariffs on up to $60 billion worth of Chinese technology and consumer goods annually, to punish Beijing over its drive to acquire US intellectu­al property, sources told Reuters.

Potential trade war

G20 officials fretted about the dangers that a potential trade war posed to world economic growth.

“The first risk is the risk of inward looking policies and protection­ism,” European Commission­er for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici told reporters after the first day of talks. Protection­ism could damage growth, he added.

A draft G20 communique seen by Reuters last week said something similar but it was not clear if it would be retained in the final version of the statement to be published on Tuesday and which has to be agreed by unanimity.

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin pushed back at the meeting, saying the US could not sacrifice its own interests so that the system worked.

“There’s no doubt that the secretary represents the president’s very strong view that we believe in free trade,” one US official told reporters.

“But the environmen­t we’re in now, where the expectatio­n is America totally subordinat­es its national interests in order for the free trade system to work, is just one we don’t accept. So, we’ve been very clear, we believe in free trade with reciprocal terms that leads to more balanced trade relationsh­ips,” he said.

Others at the G20 meeting shared Europe’s concerns.

“There is a solid understand­ing among the global community that free trade is important,” Haruhiko Kuroda, Japan’s central bank governor, told reporters.

The US steel and aluminium tariffs have raised global alarm that the US would dismantle the trading system based on World Trade Organisati­on (WTO) rules in favour of unilateral actions.

Canada and Mexico are exempt from the tariffs, which enter into force on March 23 and are mainly aimed at China. But the European Union wants to be exempted, too.

“I’ve been clear with (U.S. Treasury Secretary) Steve Mnuchin that we are waiting for a full exemption from these new American tariffs for the European Union as a whole,” French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told reporters.

“I think we should reach that goal. It’s difficult (but) it’s not out of reach,” he added.

Without an exemption, the EU will retaliate with a series of measures it is already preparing, Moscovici said.

After meeting with US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in Washington, German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said he and Ross agreed that US-EU talks on the tariffs should intensify.

“We are convinced that free trade is the best solution to guarantee the well-being of our peoples. We want that world trade remains fair and void of dumping measures,” Altmaier said.

China tariff threat

The broad anti-China tariffs and investment restrictio­ns under considerat­ion as part of a US intellectu­al property probe have raised concerns that retaliatio­n could hit world trade and choke off the strongest global growth since the G20 head of state summits began during the financial crisis a decade ago.

Full story @ timesofoma­n.com/business

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