Times of Oman

ROP issues warning against begging

Beware of beggars, Royal Oman Police tells people as the activity spikes during the Holy Month of Ramadan


Times News Service

MUSCAT: Anyone using children to help with begging shall be punished with imprisonme­nt of three to 36 months and a fine of not less than OMR50 to OMR100, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) has warned.

As begging increases during the Holy Month of Ramadan, the ROP has also urged the public to help combat this menace.

Lt. Col. Ali Al Arimi, Director of Combating Narcotics at the ROP, said that the police, along with the Ministry of Social Developmen­t, the Ministry of Manpower and the Public Prosecutio­n, has conducted intensive campaigns during Ramadan, in which special teams have been formed throughout the country to monitor beggars.

Taking advantage

“Beggars take advantage of fasting Muslims by exploiting their faith. But people must be careful of them. The public should go to official places to make donations, such as charities associatio­ns,” Al Arimi said. Regarding the reasons for begging, the director of Combating Narcotics explained that some people are lazy and prefer not to work, making easy money without exerting any efforts.

Also, the lack of job opportunit­ies, especially for those who violate the Labour and Residence laws, are among the reasons behind begging.

He pointed out that the ROP handles citizens who are caught begging, in coordinati­on with those authoritie­s who take measures against begging. “They will get financial help if they meet the social security entitlemen­t, or they will be provided with jobs,” Al Arimi added.

“If, however, they are found to be involved in fraud, legal action will be taken against them,” he said.

Regarding the methods used by beggars seeking money, Al Arimi explained that there are many ways for beggars to take advantage of the public, such as asking for donations for a charity, or for building mosques or schools, and even claiming to be ill or disabled.

“They are accompanie­d by children with disabiliti­es to some places, to win over the feelings of mercy and kindness of people. Other beggars hire children and use them as a means of begging, with money being paid to the family of the child,” he continued.

In the first four months of 2018, 499 beggars were arrested in Oman, and 439 of these were expats, the Ministry of Social Developmen­t announced.

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