Times of Oman



If you’re a photograph­er looking to drum up some extra business, you need a website. Websites are today’s business cards, but they do so much more. Creating a photograph­y website is a great way to showcase your work. A photograph­y website can act as a landing page for all your social media followers. If someone on Instagram wants to work with you, they’ll want to contact you through a website. So if you’re serious about your photograph­y, it’s time to set up a website. Check out these tips on how to make a photograph­y website to get started.

Pick a good domain name

There are different methods to pick out a domain name. You should make sure it’s short, simple, and easy to remember. If you can, choose a “.com” domain because they are the most popular. When you’re creating your photograph­y website, pick something like YourNamePh­otography.com. Let’s say you meet someone while you’re out doing your photograph­y thing. They might not remember anything about you but your name. Use that simplicity to your advantage, and use your name in the domain.

Know what you’re trying to do

If you’re trying to figure out how to make a photograph­y website, you might be starting a business. If that’s true, then you need to ask yourself the age-old question: “Why am I doing this?” Are you trying to display your latest photograph­y project? Are you hoping to bring in new work? Is it a little of both? Your answers will determine the photos for your portfolio and the layout of your website.

Choose the best stuff

Once you’ve picked out your domain and you’ve figured out your “Why” it’s time to create your portfolio. This isn’t social media, where an ever-steady stream of content is a good thing. Your website needs to display your best work. That means you need to be very selective. Most photograph­ers have a hard time choosing their best photos. If that’s you, take your photos to one of your friends. Give them clear guidelines about what you’re looking for, and then let them choose.

How to make a photograph­y website layout

How you build a photograph­y website matters. It should have an easy to follow layout so that you can attract the right clients.

The Homepage

This is your landing page. You need a nice big picture of you or your best work. Put your name and subheader here. Check out Michael Grecco Production­s for a great example of a homepage.

Your gallery

This is why your client is here. Make sure your gallery is well organised to display all your great work.

“About me”

People want to know the person behind the camera. It helps them trust you, which gets you more business.

Client showcase and review

If you’ve worked as a freelance photograph­er, this is the place to show off your past work. Add a few satisfied testimonia­ls while you’re at it.

Contact informatio­n

Your audience might love your work, but if they don’t know how to contact you then it doesn’t matter.


Blogs aren’t necessary for creating a photograph­y website. But blogs are a good way to earn trust and add some SEO rich content to your site.

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