Times of Oman

Theresa May clashes with Blair over Brexit

May accused Blair of insulting voters and trying to undermine her government with calls for a second referendum to break the political deadlock over the divorce deal she struck with the European Union


LONDON: An extraordin­ary public row broke out Sunday between British Prime Minister Theresa May and former Labour party leader Tony Blair over her Brexit deal.

May accused Blair of insulting voters and trying to undermine her government with calls for a second referendum to break the political deadlock over the divorce deal she struck with the EU.

“For Tony Blair to go to Brussels and seek to undermine our negotiatio­ns by advocating for a second referendum is an insult to the office he once held and the people he once served,” May said in a statement issued late Saturday.

“We cannot, as he would, abdicate responsibi­lity for this decision. Parliament has a democratic duty to deliver what the British people voted for.”

Blair, who was Labour prime minister between 1997 and 2007, on Sunday accused the Conservati­ve leader of being “irresponsi­ble”.

“The sensible thing is now to allow parliament to vote on each of the forms of Brexit canvassed, including the prime minister’s deal,” he said in a statement.

“If they can’t reach agreement then the logical thing is to go back to the people.”

He added: “What is irresponsi­ble however is to try to steamrolle­r MPs into accepting a deal they genuinely think is a bad one with the threat that if they do not fall into line, the government will have the country crash out (of the EU) without a deal.”

Blair opposes Brexit and, as May’s deal faces opposition on all sides of the House of Commons, he has stepped up calls for the public to vote again.

New referendum

His latest speech on the issue came on Friday, as May was meeting EU leaders in Brussels to discuss how to save the agreement.

May has repeatedly ruled out holding a new referendum, saying the result in 2016 was clear.

But growing numbers of MPs believe a “people’s vote” is the only way to break an impasse that risks Britain leaving the EU on March 29 without any agreement at all.

May’s chief of staff, Gavin Barwell, was on Sunday forced to deny reports that he was planning for such an outcome.

The same reports also said May’s effective deputy, David Lidington, was in talks with opposition Labour MPs about a new vote.

Lidington replied that he always listened to MPs’ views but pointed to recent remarks in parliament where he said a second referendum may not be decisive and could damage confidence in democracy.

Separately, Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt suggested Britain could thrive if it left the EU with no deal, and admitted he would like to “have a crack” at May’s job.

“But I think the first thing is to get us through this challengin­g next few months and I passionate­ly believe Theresa May is the person to do that,” he told the Sunday Telegraph.

Meanwhile, as Britain’s divorce from the European Union stumbles ahead, hardliners pushing for a full break are finding support in one foreign capital -- Washington.

Prime Minister Theresa May, who is barely holding on to power at home, found a frosty reception on her latest mission to Brussels as she struggles to sell Brexit on her terms.

Nor is she finding much support from US President Donald Trump, who has openly questioned her Brexit deal, instead favoring a full break.

Right-wing critics fear the current deal could leave Britain indefinite­ly in the EU customs union so as to prevent restoratio­n of the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Trump, speaking to reporters soon after May announced her Brexit package, dismissed it as “a great deal for the EU.”

He suggested that the agreement could hold back a trade deal between the United States and Britain -- which conservati­ves in both countries have dangled as an incentive if Britain leaves the European Union.

“That would be a very big negative for the deal,” US president said.

 ?? - File photo ?? WAR OF WORDS: Prime Minister Theresa May and former Labour party leader Tony Blair.
- File photo WAR OF WORDS: Prime Minister Theresa May and former Labour party leader Tony Blair.

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