Times of Oman

Next round of Yemen talks could be in Amman: Rebels

One month after hardwon peace talks on the Yemen conflict, the United Nations faces an uphill battle as it pushes to ensure the warring parties make good on a shaky truce deal


SANAA: A second round of negotiatio­ns between Yemen’s government and Houthi rebels could be hosted “soon” in Jordanian capital Amman, a rebel leader said Sunday after meeting the UN envoy.

Talks on Yemen’s failed economy “could take place soon in Amman or by video conference, which I discussed with the UN envoy”, Mohammed Ali Al Huthi, head of the rebel Higher Revolution­ary Committee, told AFP in Sanaa.

One month after hard-won peace talks on the Yemen conflict, the United Nations faces an uphill battle as it pushes to ensure the warring parties make good on a shaky truce deal.

UN envoy Martin Griffiths, who brokered the breakthrou­gh last month in Sweden, returned to Yemen Saturday with a plan to expedite measures agreed between the government and Houthi rebels. Key among them is the redeployme­nt of rival forces from Hodeida, the Red Sea port city crucial for aid and food imports.

Griffiths, scheduled to see Yemeni government officials in Saudi capital Riyadh after meeting the rebels, hopes to bring the warring sides together later this month to follow up on progress made at December’s talks.

The UN envoy held talks Sunday with Houthi chief Abdelmalik Al Huthi, spokesman Mohammed Abdelsalam said in a statement carried by rebel Al-Masira TV.

He said that the two addressed “preparatio­ns for the upcoming round of talks”.

Rebel-held Hodeida was for months the main front line in the Yemen war after government forces supported by Saudi Arabia and its allies launched an offensive to capture it in June.

But a precarious calm has held in the city since a ceasefire agreement came into force on December 18. Under the deal, both the rebels and pro-government forces should withdraw from the area.

UN spokesman Farhan Haq on Thursday confirmed the cessation of hostilitie­s continued to hold in Hodeida, despite mutual accusation­s of violations by the rebels and Saudi-backed government.

But there has not yet been progress on the redeployme­nt of loyalist and rebel forces from Hodeida city.

The UN Security Council is expected to hear a report from Griffiths next week, although no date has been set.

The war between the Houthis and troops loyal to the internatio­nally-recognised government escalated in March 2015, when President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi fled into Saudi exile and the Saudi-led coalition intervened.

The conflict has unleashed the world’s worst humanitari­an crisis, according to the UN, which says 14 million Yemenis are on the brink of famine.

 ??  ?? BRINK OF FAMINE: A southern Yemeni separatist fighter waves his rifle at the site of an anti-government protest in the port city of Aden, Yemen. The conflict has unleashed the world’s worst humanitari­an crisis, according to the UN, which says 14 million Yemenis are on the brink of famine. - Reuters file
BRINK OF FAMINE: A southern Yemeni separatist fighter waves his rifle at the site of an anti-government protest in the port city of Aden, Yemen. The conflict has unleashed the world’s worst humanitari­an crisis, according to the UN, which says 14 million Yemenis are on the brink of famine. - Reuters file

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