Times of Oman

Judge blocks Trump question on citizenshi­p


SYDNEY: A US federal judge said on Tuesday that the Trump administra­tion cannot add a question about citizenshi­p in the 2020 census -- a victory for liberals and rights groups, though the matter is expected to end up in the Supreme Court.

Several US states and cities, and civil rights groups, have filed seven complaints opposing the move, calling it an effort by the administra­tion of President Donald Trump to scare immigrants into not responding.

If non-citizens avoid census takers for fear of running afoul of immigratio­n authoritie­s, the states where they live could lose federal funding -- and possibly seats in Congress. The ruling by federal District Judge Jesse Furman was the first ruling in those cases.

The judge said that Ross, whose department oversees the national census, “failed to consider several important aspects of the problem.”

Ross “alternatel­y ignored, cherry-picked or badly misconstru­ed the evidence in the record before him; acted irrational­ly both in light of that evidence and his own stated decisional criteria; and failed to justify significan­t departures from past policies and practices,” the ruling said.

A “disappoint­ed” Justice Department voiced dismay, saying Ross had “reasonably decided to reinstate a citizenshi­p question on the 2020 census” in order to collect more accurate data.

A citizenshi­p question has not been part of the census -- which is carried out once each decade -- for 60 years. Census results determine the number of seats each state has in the House of Representa­tives, and how more than $675 billion in federal funds will be allocated to states. There are an estimated 10.7 million undocument­ed people living in the United States. The country as a whole has more than 330 million people.

Since most non-citizens reside in states with Democratic majorities, opponents of the citizenshi­p question say the Trump administra­tion is trying to curtail Democratic representa­tion in Congress.

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