Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Egypt at the hustings

A nascent democracy tries to find its footing

- By Dr James J Zogby The writer is President of the Arab-american Institute.

Supreme Constituti­onal Court (SCC) Chair Farouk Sultan's nearly interminab­le announceme­nt of the outcome of Egypt's presidenti­al election tested his nation's patience. Twitter commentary on his speech's almost mind-numbing detail, while hilarious, masked an underlying nervousnes­s that this was but an effort to wear everyone down preparing the ground for the announceme­nt that the winner was, in fact, General Ahmed Shafik. The speech was an over-wrought defence of the work of the Court. It was also a testy rebuttal of earlier attacks delivered by the Muslim Brotherhoo­d. And it was boring. At one point, I thought that decades from now, we might forget who won the election, but we would never forget Farouk Sultan's speech.

In hindsight, I believe there might have been a logic to Sultan's endless detail. This was, after all, Egypt's first truly democratic­ally contested presidenti­al election. And so his report of incorrect counts, faulty ballots, etc, could be seen as a reminder of the fact that in a democracy elections are always messy affairs. As the old adage goes, “Elections are like sausage-making. You don't want to see how they're made, but they taste delicious.” We don't see the mess in a landslide, but in close contests, the errors born of petty (and not so petty) corruption and human error become all too evident — remember Florida's "hanging chads" in 2000, or Ohio's Diebold machine malfunctio­ns in 2004.

This was, by any measure, a close contest. Here, too, the SCC's report was a useful reminder of the deep, nationwide divisions in the Egyptian electorate. In the end, one-half of eligi- ble Egyptians voted, and little more than one-half of them chose Mohammed Morsi to lead them. And it is important to note that not all of Morsi's votes came from supporters of the Brotherhoo­d — many came from those who were quite simply voting against Shafik and the military. So too, many of those who voted for Shafik, were in fact casting a vote against the Brotherhoo­d.

Even those wary of a Muslim Brotherhoo­d win, must acknowledg­e that history has been made in this openly competitiv­e contest. Presidente­lect Morsi will now occupy the seat once held by Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak — but with a difference. If this is to work, there can be no new pharaoh, nor will the generals be able to exercise unfettered control — by themselves, or through a surrogate. Morsi now has a mandate to govern. But he would be wise to proceed with caution.

There are two essential components to making a democracy work — both involving a recognitio­n of the reality of divisions in society. The losing side, despite their bitter disappoint­ment, must accept the legitimacy of the outcome, and the winning side must accept the reality and legitimate rights of the losing side.

These are the hard tests of democracy and real challenges lay ahead. If we look closely at this election, and indeed everything that has transpired since February of 2011, we can see that Egypt's nascent democracy is still a work in progress. There are clearly two poles in the contest for power — and an emergent third pole in the making.

On the one side, there is the Muslim Brotherhoo­d, a powerful national movement, an effective provider of services, and a now proven vote-getter. On the other side is the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces (SCAF) and the elements of Egyptian society they represent. They too have demonstrat­ed that they have supporters and have the capacity to organise. The revolution­ary youth remain a potent force, but have recognised their electoral limitation­s and have embarked on a five-year organising plan.

In any case, the shape of Egypt's new democracy will be determined by the interplay between these poles — with no one group being able to claim it represents all Egyptians, or even all those who voted for them in the last election (democracy being a fickle mistress). It is advisable, therefore, that both sides approach this next stage with a degree of humility and that neither side over-reach — as they unfortunat­ely have in the recent past.

The Muslim Brotherhoo­d set off alarm bells when they tried to exercise too much control, too soon, in parliament and in the selection of the body that was to write the new constituti­on. They then compounded their overreach when they broke their earlier pledge not to field a presidenti­al candidate and were seen as trying to control everything. This was seen as a step too far. One party control can be a problem in an establishe­d and divided democracy, like the United States. How much more so, in an emergent democracy.

For its part, the SCAF created deep concern when, in reaction to the Brotherhoo­d's over-reach, they suspended parliament and then issued the Supplement­ary Constituti­onal Decrees stripping the powers of the presidency and establishi­ng their role as final arbiters of the constituti­on.

At this point after the election, the two main establishe­d poles of power in Egypt are what they have been all along — the Brotherhoo­d and the SCAF. The military will seek to maintain as much control as they can, while President Morsi will make a determined effort to wrest as much control as he can. The two groupings will continue to test each other, and the interplay will determine whether or not Egypt moves forward. The test of wills that will now occur will shape the future of Egypt's democracy.

But the real test for the new president and the SCAF will be their ability to perform. The public will have limited patience with their contest for power. At the end of the day, our polls show that a majority of Egyptians couldn’t care less about which group rules. Uppermost on their minds are jobs, improved health care, better education, and a government that can deliver services without corruption. This is the real work of democracy, and, in this context, the election and its outcome mark not the end of a process, but its beginning.

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