Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Ride-hailing service launches financial support initiative­s for drivers


Ride hailing company Careem has announced initiative­s to support their captains (drivers) as mobility through ride hailing becomes re stricted due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Careem explains captains are self em ployed individual­s earning daily wages through Careem’s platforms and the com pany has come up with the following ways to extend meaningful support through its 'BE CAREEM' initiative­s. Careem has partnered with MicroEnsur­e to facilitate captains’ health insurance in Pakistan. The low cost insurance policies start from Rs163 to Rs569 per month and cover hospitaliz­ation and ICU admission in case the captain or their family members are tested positive for COVID 19 or are diagnosed with any other disease.

There is also a ‘Captain Sick Pay Policy’ whereby Careem has announced financial sup port for two weeks to any captain who is diag nosed with COVID 19 or placed in individual quarantine by a public health authority.

The press release issued by Careem also said that the company is leading discussion­s with financial institutio­ns to provide flexibilit­y to captains for car loan payments, and is ac tively engaging government­s on fee and stim ulus programmes as part of financing support.

Careem has also partnered with NGOs to help distribute ration packages across the most affected communitie­s in the country in cluding captains until mobility restrictio­ns are relaxed. Teams have distribute­d free san itizers and masks where they were able to procure them as well.

Additional­ly, Careem colleagues across the network have donated generous sums of personal money to captains. Some have even contribute­d their salaries for the rest of the year, said the press release.

Careem Pakistan Country General Man ager Zeeshan Hasib Baig said, "Captains are the heart of what we do at Careem, and we ap preciate and value their selfless service to our customers and communitie­s in these unprece dented times. We understand that many of our captains rely on Careem as a single source of income to provide for their loved ones, and we are here to support them and their families in times of need to the best our ability."

'MAY NOT BE ENOUGH': Despite all the efforts made, it may simply not be enough, as highlighte­d in an open letter to relevant government­s, financial institutio­ns, busi nesses and the general public by Mudassir Sheikha, Careem Founder and CEO, to help Careem help captains in their time of need.

The letter stated, "There is no easy way to describe it: our captains are in grave dan ger of losing everything. If we focus just on Careem’s half a million active captains and assume they need just $500 a month as a bare minimum to cover their most basic fi nancial needs, the captain community needs the financial support of $250 million per month. It is not feasible for Careem or any other company to fill this gap on its own.”

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