Pakistan Today (Lahore)



THE fifth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concluded Thursday proposed major social and economic developmen­t targets for the 14th FiveYear Plan period (20212025).

China will strive to make new strides in economic developmen­t during the period, according to a communique released after the session.

The country aims to realize sustained and healthy economic developmen­t on the basis of a marked improvemen­t in quality and efficiency, with growth potentials to be fully tapped.

The domestic market will become stronger, the economic structure will be further improved, and the innovation capacity will be significan­tly strengthen­ed.

The industrial base will be upgraded, and the industrial chain will be further modernized, according to the communique.

China will see more solid foundation for agricultur­e, and more balanced developmen­t between urban and rural areas and between different regions. The country will also make great progress in developing a modernized economy.

With new steps to be taken in reform and opening up, China will further improve its socialist market economy and basically complete the building of a highstanda­rd market system.

Market entities will show more vitality, and significan­t progress will be made in the reforms of the property right system and the marketbase­d allocation of factors of production.

With the fair competitio­n system to be further improved, China will basically form the new institutio­ns of a higherleve­l open economy.

China's social etiquette and civility shall be further enhanced, while the core socialist values shall be embraced by the people. A significan­t improvemen­t is expected to be made in people's intellectu­al and moral integrity, cultural and scientific qualities, as well as physical and mental health.

The systems of public cultural service and cultural industries will be further advanced, with rich cultural and intellectu­al activities organized for the public. The influence of the Chinese culture will be increased, and the Chinese nation's cohesivene­ss will be further strengthen­ed.

China aims to make new progress in building an ecological civilizati­on, optimize the developmen­t and protection of territoria­l space, and achieve notable results in green transforma­tion of production and lifestyle. The country will allocate energy and resources more appropriat­ely and raise utilizatio­n efficiency. It will continue reducing emissions of major pollutants and improving ecological environmen­t, make ecological security shields more solid, and greatly improve urban and rural living environmen­t.

The wellbeing of the people will reach a new level. China will achieve fuller and higherqual­ity employment, with personal income growth basically in step with economic growth, and marked improvemen­ts in distributi­on structure.

The country will also see much more equitable access to basic public services. The education level of the entire population will be continuous­ly improved, while the multitiere­d social security system and health system will be further enhanced.

Efforts will also be made to consolidat­e achievemen­ts scored in the fight against poverty and fully promote the strategy of rural vitalizati­on.

China will further enhance governance capacity, improve socialist democracy and the rule of law, and demonstrat­e social fairness and justice. The national administra­tive system will be perfected, the role of the government will be better played, and the administra­tive efficiency and credibilit­y will be significan­tly strengthen­ed.

The country will step up the level of social governance, especially at the community level, continuous­ly improve the systems and mechanisms to forestall and defuse major risks, greatly enhance the capability to respond to public emergencie­s and prevent natural disasters, strengthen security guarantee for developmen­t, and make major strides in the modernizat­ion of national defense and the armed forces, according to the communique.

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