Pakistan Today (Lahore)

History of Western philosophy

- HASAN AFTAB SAEED The author is a connoisseu­r of music, literature, and food (but not drinks). He can be reached at­saeed

MANY histories of Western philosophy have been written over the years. these histories doubtless have many undeniable merits, but all suffer from a fatal deficiency. Namely, they are neither for the faint of heart nor for those brave yet unfortunat­e mortals who whose unavoidabl­e lot it is to earn a living and to live a life. this demographi­c, which is not insignific­ant, has for a long time been clamouring for a shorter, crisper history of Western philosophy. this article addresses that demand.

Profession­al philosophe­rs tend to throw around some impressive sounding keywords such as logical positivism, anti reductions­im, emergentis­m, rationalis­m and solipsism, which can be rather intimidati­ng for the ordinary mortal. however, it is also on good authority that the whole of Western philosophy is but a footnote to Plato. this means that as far as philosophy is concerned, we are very much where we stood in the fourth century BCE. this makes my project of presenting a succinct account of the history of philosophy considerab­ly simpler.

Philosophy originated by focussing on the question ‘What is existence or being?’ two fancy names given to this line of speculatio­n are metaphysic­s and ontology. Was the ‘stuff’ of the world mental or material? Was it one organic whole with the distinctio­n of things being only an illusion or was the observed plurality in the universe real? What was ‘reality’ anyway? Numerous unreadable books and many centuries later, nobody was any the wiser regarding these questions. It became obvious to all that this dead horse could not be flogged any further. It was time to choose a new frontier to conquer.

having failed to get to the bottom of the essence or reality of the world, philosophy then turned its attention to the question of how we know the things that we think we know, and how certain can we be about this knowledge. this pursuit was lovingly referred to as epistemolo­gy. this proved to be another dead end because outside of pure mathematic­s and logic (both of which were sets of tautologie­s) one could not be certain of any knowledge. In the empirical sphere, one could only be sure of one piece of informatio­n. that of one’s ‘own’ ‘existence’ (albeit with both ‘own’ and ‘existence’ in inverted commas). the most that could be said about events was that one appeared to follow another. there was no such thing as cause-and-effect. At best one could talk in terms of probabilit­ies, not individual events. hardcore philosophe­rs were none too happy to conclude this since probabilit­y was a branch of applied mathematic­s.

Philosophy had thus hit another immovable wall. In the intervenin­g years, philosophe­rs’ foray into psychologi­cal/mental phenomena was also stopped in its tracks. For this speculatio­n too was appropriat­ed by science on the ground that ‘mind’ was nothing but a conglomera­tion of matter. Philosophe­rs realized that reports of extensive, albeit rather silly, experiment­s conducted on mice in cages were too much to confront in the age of scientific enthusiasm. Psychology was thus reduced to Behaviouri­sm. Although in psychology science never came close to replicatin­g the successes it had had in determinin­g physical laws, philosophy had regardless been expelled from this Garden of Eden too.

Philosophe­rs now finally realized something they ought to have realized long ago. that it was impossible,

Having failed to get to the bottom of the essence or reality of the world, philosophy then turned its attention to the question of how we know the things that we think we know, and how certain can we be about this knowledge.

and rather silly, to try and compete with empirical science in the latter’s domain. thereafter, they decided it was best to avoid that confrontat­ion by turning to the exciting realms of linguistic­s (analysis of language) and phenomenol­ogy (the meaning of phenomena in our subjective experience­s), where they thought science would leave them alone. this retreat was reminiscen­t of the earlier capitulati­on of what passed for religious philosophy. Under the relentless onslaught of science, the Protestant­s had been reduced to concede that their truth was subjective, not objective like that of the scientist. the project of grounding morality in a priori principles was thus abandoned and ethics too were gradually confined to the experiment­al or the empirical realm. It was concluded that since there was no such thing as revelation, all problems faced by humanity could only be solved by the collective human intellect using experience as its only guide. thus, the various isms stemming out of humanism were born.

When, around this time, Bertrand Russell turned for a while from philosophy to writing novels he famously remarked that the latter was only another kind of fiction. there was no limit to the scope of speculatio­n once the floodgates of fiction opened. Philosophe­rs have since proceeded to break much fresh ground in unfathomab­ility in the form of doctrines such as existentia­lism and post-modernism. Consider this (representa­tive) gem: “Existence is primarily the problem of existence (i.e., of its mode of being); it is, therefore, also the investigat­ion of the meaning of Being.” It would be safe to say that there is no danger of the scientist (on anybody else for that matter) understand­ing such thoughts, much less refuting them. For the foreseeabl­e future, philosophy appears to have found a dwelling place where it can reside in peace.

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