Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Another assembly of Muslim intellectu­als, leaders to discuss critical issues today


Within a week Indian capital will witness another all India level conference today (Sunday) to discuss the subjugatio­n of Muslims and the fast deteriorat­ing situation of the country since the fascistic Hindutva forces have acquired ascendancy.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the organizers of the meet have also announced that a collaborat­ive platform called the Indian Muslim Intellectu­als Council would be launched, which might be a precursor to the formation of a parallel Muslim Majlis-e-mushawarat. Briefing about the details of the convention billed as “‘the Indian Muslims Intellectu­al Meet’, former Member of Indian Parliament (MP) Mohammad Adeeb along with former member Planning Commission Syeda Syedain Hameed and others said the day-long congregati­on of over 300 Muslim intellectu­als and eminent citizens will brainstorm on the pressing issues and lay out a roadmap to address these challenges. He listed out the challenges before the community and the country. “Attempts by a segment of the society to tear away the secular fabric of the country and the Constituti­on, the growing hatred against the Muslim community, rampant misuse of government­al institutio­ns and a highly communized atmosphere amidst an alternativ­e scenario where jobs have been lost, incomes has reduced and the country is facing challenges on several other fronts.”

These issues will be top on the mind of the intellectu­als from the Muslim community when they collect on Sunday the 29th to discuss and ponder upon topic of ‘The condition of the country, challenges before the Constituti­on and our responsibi­lities’ at Aiwan-e-ghalib Auditorium, Delhi, said the former MP.

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